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 | Sister Mei Li - Mary Billie Anne Lem (Lem) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Edward Glen Miner (1980 - 1982) | Served: 1980 - 1982 | Language(s) spoken:English, Mandarin, understanding Taiwanese, TaiShan (mother tongue), Cantonese, French | Areas Served: Hsin Chu, Neili, Chang Hua, Ching Shui | Companions: Louise Brown (Hansen) | Nadine Bunnell | Susan Roberts (Leggieri) | Your Occupation: Business Advisor-Strategist | Spouse: divorced | Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed every moment serving as a missionary and all the learning experiences being with my companions. I hold dear to the fond memories which helped me be strong in my journey in life.
My big dream is to return to Taiwan for a visit one day; possibly serve a Welfare-Humanitarian mission, especially with an amazing lifepartner.
I was married in the Church to a non-member gentleman I met at a Church activity while serving a Stake Mission. Raised 2 boys, 2 girls as a Sole Support Mom for almost 20 years. Been inactive, active, semi-active and always end up coming back to the LDS Church with a stronger testimony. I have been active for quite a number of years now, and have held a long-term community service calling.
My membership and the testimony I have of the fullness of the restored Gospel is the greatest gift I could ever have in this earth life. My children are not currently active in the Church, however I know that the foundations of the teachings they have received are much stronger in their lives than they even know.
Drop me a line - - and especially, let me know about any reunions or updates of connections.
Blessings from Toronto, Canada. |
Created: 31 Oct 2009 Modified: 31 Oct 2009 |
Last Login: 02 Aug 2010 06:01:53 PM |
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