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 | Elder Kuan-Yun Kevin Hsiung 熊觀雲2429 256th Lomta, CA 90717
Current Address 2429 256th Lomita, CA. 90717
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Served: 1992 - 1994 | Areas Served: 高雄, 左營, 台南, 台中, 鳳山 | Companions: Patrick Bailey | A Jacob Cord | Jim Heninger | Wang王 Hui-Min惠民 | Your Occupation: Programmer Analyst | Spouse: Vickie Hsiung | Comments: 1999 is a very special year for me, I graduate from USC and marry a beautiful sister.
2000 Also is a special year for me. My little Angela comes to our family and we move back to LA. 2001 is wonderful. Although we don't have any special thing happens in this year, we are blessed every day from our Heavenly Father. 2003 Our second girl, Bella, comes to our family 2005-- We have another girl, Christina, join to our family. I am luckiest guy in the world!!! |
Created: 14 Mar 2002 Modified: 22 Aug 2012 |
Last Login: 22 Aug 2012 12:25:13 PM |
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