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 | Sister Sharee Garcia (Smithee) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Dennis Chai Han Kim (1998 - 2001) | J. Kent Larkin (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2000 - 2001 | Language(s) spoken:Mandarin Chinese | Areas Served: Taichung 5th ward (Dali, Taiping, Wufeng, Wuri), Taichung 1st ward, Puli, Fengyuan. | Companions: Ruth Burt (Griffioen) | Allison Fisher (Schneider) | Rian Krommenhoek (Rane) | Sarah Stewart | Your Occupation: Mother and Student | Spouse: David | Comments: (I was also companions with Sister Swain, Sister Rane, Sister Neilson, Sister Sin, and Sister Li.)
FINALLY!! I'm finally graduating from BYU! I'll be certified to teach English, TESOL, and - after I finish a course this summer - Chinese! Wahoo! (It is, after all, the up-and-coming laguage!)
My husband is currently a Multimedia Creative Director and loves to work his head off! I'm expecting our second child in January and loving the neighborhood where I live! It's fabulous!
My son loves running amuck outside, getting wet, digging, pretending he's a dinosaur, etc. It's great to watch him grow up, though I can hardly believe he's growing up so FAST!! (Yes, yes, I know. You've heard it a million times, but it's SO TRUE!!)
I'd love to hear from friends from the mission! Hope all is well with you and yours! :)
-Sharee |
Created: 24 Feb 2003 Modified: 21 Jun 2007 |
Last Login: 05 Jan 2009 11:29:02 PM |
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