News Posted by Alumni:
New Taiwan Taichung Alumni Site !!!
Posted by: John Peterson (webmaster) Posted on: March 08, 2002
Hello everybody,
I know I have been slacking on the website for awhile, but I am almost done with the new Taichung Alumni website. It is using's website engine SIB. It is all postgre sql database driven, and will be self maintaining, and you will also be able to upload pictures to your profile and a general picture section. Everyone will have a username and password now instead of just a password. When the site goes live the usernames and your current passwords will be email to you. Once you get that email please go to the site and update your profile, as with the data conversion to the database some info may be wrong or need to be added, such as you will be able to select what companions you served with in the database to be able to cross reference on searches. If your current email in the database is wrong please email and I will change it for you. I hope everyone will like it. Hope everyone is doing well. God Bless America, and Taiwan. :-)
my email:

Taichung 4th Ward
Posted by: Victor Jackson Posted on: March 01, 2002
If any of you would like to be added to the mailing list for the Taichung 4th Ward, just let us know. We try to send announcements in both English and Chinese. Keep up the work of building the kingdom of God guys... and remember... we LOVE you!!!!

Looking for Elder Ruan Zi Yu
Posted by: Clark Evans Posted on: February 08, 2002
I would really like to find Elder Ruan Zi Yu (94-96) from Taibei.
He loves playing chess, saying 'ni gan ma?' and speaking English. If anyone
knows anything about his whereabouts please contact me ( If you run into him please
let him know I am looking for him (we have chess game to finish). My Chinese name is
Yan2 Zhi4 Shwang1.
Thanks, Clark Evans

baby news
Posted by: Marni Manley Johansen Posted on: February 06, 2002
Mayli Noel was born on Jan. 26th! we are so excited that she is finally here! she is such a beautiful child. We are so blessed. Her name is Mayli...(mei li) and her daddy served a french mission so her middle name is Noel. That was fun for us to put together. We love her and all is well.
Just thought I would share that with ya.
Marni "Jin"

Already getting married!!!
Posted by: Bryce Dopp Posted on: January 07, 2002
Well, I've only been home a month now and I'm already engaged! Yup, for all those who served with me Nikki waited faithfully the whole two years and things are absolutely great between us once again. I proposed on christmas day and we will be getting married march 30th. Talk about jumping into life head first! I loved my mission experience and poor Nikki had to endure about three weeks of my "on my mission" stories. O.k. I'm outta here, continue dilligently.

Canadians RULE!!!!
Posted by: Armener aka brodie007 Posted on: January 06, 2002
K guys i had the reunion all setup in my backyard, and no one shows, whats the deal with that? Was is it the cold weather of Canada? Did you think you would have to leave your car at the border and rent a dog sled? Was is that you didn't know where Canada was? Well email at and tell a old friend what you guys are up too. OH YA THIS IF FOR YOU HILL "GOD BLESS THE U.S.A." :) Im planning an even bigger reunion, let me know if ya want to attend :)

Baptisms to Date
Posted by: J. Bryce Smith Posted on: December 20, 2001
Also, for any interested here are the baptisms, by mission:
Taipei - 800
Taichung - 1200
Kaohsiung - 900
This is as of December 1, 2001 - things have sure changed since I was there 11 years ago - I think it was about 350 for Taipei and 350 for Taichung - no Kaohsiung mission at the time.
Great news!

Syin Ying's New Chapel
Posted by: J. Bryce Smith Posted on: December 20, 2001
I have recently received notice from Pres. Chen (now Stake President of Tainan) that the Syin Ying branch (soon to be a ward) now has a brand new chapel. I visited Syin Ying on December 12 and have some photos of the chapel that I can email if anyone would like them. Please email me @ and I will send to you ASAP.

Wanger where are you?
Posted by: Wendy Miller Posted on: December 09, 2001
Wang Li Ju where are you now? I've been looking and can't find you.

I'm having a baby!
Posted by: Marni Manley Johansen Posted on: December 04, 2001
Hey, I just found this site and thought I would add a little something too. So, here is my update...I have been married for 3 years and am expecting #1 in 8 weeks! We are living in Northern CA and love it. I would love to hear from anyone who wants to chat with me. :) Does anyone know where my comp. Duce is??? How about Terri Brymer??? Nate Jensen? are you guys out there???

Puli Pop concert
Posted by: Loony Luke (Elder T. Jones) Posted on: November 10, 2001
Hey ya'll come check out Kilby Court, 750 South Kilby Court (340 W.) Salt Lake on Friday Nov. 16. Playing will be: Grandma Whippersnapper, featuring Dave Morris; and Extra Credit, featuring Blair Sterret, Tyrone Davies, and Tim Jones -- all of whom served together in Puli back in...well...long time ago. $6 admission; doors open at 7:30 pm. Call Blair at 627-4083 for info.

Pictures of the Cutest girl in the World
Posted by: Jackson Wright Posted on: September 19, 2001
Please visit
You will find Mackenzie Lyn Wright. she is almost 5 months in these pictures and is growing bigger everyday!
I'd love to hear from anyone from the Pres. Karl Koerner Era.
contact me at

Burping Boogie Baby
Posted by: Tim "I love libraries" Jones Posted on: September 10, 2001
Tim Jones (Koerner-Kim, 1996-98) watched helplessly as an eight lb. 3.5 oz male human child exploded from his wife's body at 11:34 pm on July 28th. "All these months I just thought my wife had one of those, uh, you know, alien infection things," said Jones. "I never expected a child."
The new boy, named Caleb Timothy, is in good health, with the exception of mysterious sticky excretions from his hind-quarters. Maybe he is an alien...

Mission Update
Posted by: Roxy Price/ Posted on: September 07, 2001
Sept 7, 2001
Kathi Thompson's son Elder Trevor Thompson will be coming home in Dec 2001. Kathi has asked me to continue in her place as a help to new missionary parents in the Taiwan Missions. I will be posting updated messages from time to time and also helping parents sign up on our missionary website. Kathi has done an AWESOME job and been of GREAT help to many of us. Thanks Kathi for your love and support. We will miss you! Good Luck in the future to you and your family.
My son Elder Jonathan Price is in the Taiwan Taichung mission and is loving it! Our Elders & Sisters serving in the Taiwan mission are truly blessed along with their families. Elder Price entered the MTC May 9th 2001 and arrived in Taiwan on July 26th. When he called to let us know he had arrived safely the first words were Hi Mom, I love it here!
President & Sister Larkin are GREAT! They are so good to keep us informed about the mission. Sister Larkin emails us and it is wonderful to have this communication.
Love reading all the news. Thanks, Sister Price.

Posted by: TEDY "TURK" TURCSANSKI Posted on: July 19, 2001
Mission ReunionBBQHotPot on Sat. July 28th in SLC at Rich "Mussell" Trussell backyard. All who served under Watson are invited. Will have awesome, delicious, Traditional Chinese Hot Pot. chinese Setting/decorations, a table for mission scrapbooks, pictures.
Help find lost/missing in action/old mission pals by doing internett searches to invite them as well. This should be tons of fun catching up on old times. Please RSVP by writing or calling Ted Turcsanski at #243-2407 or Rich Trussel #581-1750.

Birth of My First!
Posted by: David E. McCully Posted on: July 11, 2001
A bit of Happy News -- The birth of my first born (a son), happened last Jan. 2001! Since he is our 10+ year miracle baby, we called him Evan (get it -- Evan from Heaven!). That is it, if you might want more info, send me an E-mail, and visit my web-site at
=+) Smile!

getting married!
Posted by: Sean Whiteley Posted on: July 03, 2001
Yup, it's true. I'm sure many of you are scratching your heads right now wondering who on earth would ever in their right mind want to be with ME for eternity. Well, I've got news for you, she NOT in her right mind! (but don't tell her that or she might reconsider). I am getting married on August 3rd in the Washington D.C. temple. Her name is Laura Carter and we met at Duke--she is a public policy grad student. She is marvelous in every way and I am an incredibly lucky boy. Please drop me a line and your address at and I'll send you an invitation. By the way, congratulations on all of the weddings/babies (i.e. Sis. Rubow, Ence, Lott).

Mission Update
Posted by: Kathi Thompson Posted on: July 02, 2001
For those of you who served in the Taichung Mission I thought you might enjoy hearing on how the fruits of your labors there are beginning to be harvested. My son Elder Trevor Thompson has been serving in the Taichung Mission for 19 months now. They are achieving record numbers of baptisms there. Last year the baptism goal was 1000 and they ended up having 1024 baptisms. President Kim has been a wonderful Mission President and under his leadership the missionaries are touching many lives. The Lord is really blessing the missionaries and the people of Taiwan. They have been averaging about 100 baptisms a month and often exceed that goal. The people of Taiwan seem to be very receptive to the gospel and are joining the church at a rapid pace. My son has grown so much and loves the people of Taiwan as I am sure so many other Taichung missionaries have in the past. President Kim was released a few days ago and President Larkin is beginning his first week there. I am sure he will be a wonderful Mission President too. I have enjoyed reading the messages posted by all of you while my son has been serving in the Taichung Mission.
To all of the newly called missionaries to this mission, you are in for a wonderful experience. You will learn the language and get used to the food and heat. Your understanding of the gospel will increase as you teach the gospel to such wonderful people. The Lord will bless you and your family for your desire and willingness to serve the Lord as a missionary in the Taichung Mission.
Kathi Thompson Missionary Mom

bailey where are you?
Posted by: mike lineberry Posted on: May 28, 2001
bailey, i would like to get in touch with you, e-mail me please.

It's a girl!!
Posted by: Jackson Wright (96-98) Posted on: May 01, 2001
Baby Mackenzie Lyn Wright was born on my birthday April 13th, 2001. She is doing Well and Mom (Gina) is doing well also.

I'm getting married!!
Posted by: Ben Baker Posted on: April 16, 2001
Some of you might get an e-mail soon and an announcement in a couple of months, but I must post this wonderful news here. Last Saturday I proposed to Mickelle Page from Cedar City, UT. We'll be getting married the end of July or the first week of August in the St. George Temple. I'm so excited!!! :) Also, congrats to one of my TongBans (Elder Collings) on their new baby!

Posted by: HO CHING-FEN Posted on: April 08, 2001
This is He Jie-mei (90-91) Just want to say "Hi" to those that I served with. It was one of the greatest experiences one can have. I live in Hawaii now with my sweetheart. Write me ( or even better come visit me. By the way, I saw Lu Gou-Wei couple of years ago when he came to play for BYU here in Hawaii.

A Little Princess!!!
Posted by: Neeley (Rubow) Brady Posted on: April 04, 2001
Kim and I just had a little girl born March 31st, 2001 at 6:12pm 7 lbs. 4 oz. Her name is Kaylee Madisen Brady!

Posted by: Brettt C. Wilson Posted on: March 31, 2001
Typo! I served from Jan92-Dec93! Can't wait to go back and serve one with my wife someday!!!

What up???
Posted by: Brett C. Wilson (Shen Yung Min) Posted on: March 31, 2001
Howdy! What an awesome website! I served in the Taipei Mission from 91-91 and was checking this website out for some of my buddies who I haven't talked to in some time. I am in the Navy and have a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful kids with #3 on the way!!! I'd love to hear from anyone I was in the MTC with and get the low down on how everyone is doing! The church is true!!!

Hello everyone!
Posted by: Tony Myers (xiao Mai) Posted on: March 14, 2001
I just wanted to tell Dave and Bianca Collings congrats! I am glad to hear that all is well in the Collings family. Saralyn and I are doing great. I am graduating this semester, so if anyone knows of a good job, give me a ring. I would love to hear from any of you, just send me an email, Our daughter, Leah is doing great, she is learning to walk and loves to stand, and fall :) Good luck with you all Tony Myers

A Little Girl !
Posted by: Dave and Bianca (Ence) Collings Posted on: March 13, 2001
We wanted to announce the birth of our daughter, Eden Elizabeth. She was born January 8th, 2001 ! We are still living in Seattle. I (Bianca) finished school in December and David is working for Agilent Technologies as well as going to school. Bianca and David

its a boy
Posted by: Laird and Margie Sessions Posted on: March 09, 2001
We just want to let everyone know that we had Benjamin Tyler Sessions on December 5, 2000. He is our first and we are happy to be new parents.

Posted by: MATT OLMSTEAD Posted on: March 04, 2001

Ambassador to Beijing
Posted by: Stephen Yates Posted on: February 23, 2001
Unfortunately, Jon Huntsman is not likely to be nominated to be US ambassador to Beijing. It is going to another good man named Sandy Randt, a close friend of the President who currently lives in Hong Kong.

Just checking in
Posted by: Darren Gibby Posted on: February 19, 2001
Hi everyone. I haven't been in contact with anyone in a while. Just to let you know what's going on, (esp. you 1994-96 alumni), I am have been married to Emily Cox Gibby for two years, and we have 2-month old twins named Natalie and Christopher. I am currently working at Ford Motor Company where I am involved in the Ford Chinese Association. At the FCA's New Year's banquet, I heard that Jon Huntsman will be the new ambassador to China. Is this true? Darren Gibby

Good Job Lu Gau Wei!!!!!!
Posted by: Travis Christensen Posted on: February 06, 2001
Eagles' Lewis earns better view of Pro Bowl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Joe Lago HONOLULU -- From the Aloha Stadium sidelines, Chad Lewis watched in awe of the talent on display at last year's Pro Bowl when, out of the Hawaiian blue skies, it donned on him that he should be more than just a spectator. Chad Lewis earned his first Pro Bowl trip, joining four other Eagles in Hawaii. "That's what inspired me," said Lewis, who was in Hawaii during Pro Bowl week to lecture kids in the "No Hope With Dope" program. "I was watching (Panthers tight end) Wesley Walls and I thought, 'Hey, I can be here, too.' ... Because he got hurt this year, that opened a window for me." The humble Lewis would've been selected to the NFC squad even if Walls was healthy. The Eagles tight end enjoyed a breakthrough season with a team-leading 69 catches for 735 yards and three touchdowns to earn his first Pro Bowl berth with 41 other first-timers for Sunday's season-ending, all-star game. Like the Eagles' playoff run, Lewis' emergence came as a surprise. The fourth-year pro entered the season with 20 career catches, including only eight receptions in a 1999 season split between St. Louis and Philadelphia, the team that originally drafted him out of BYU in 1997. The Eagles claimed Lewis off waivers after the Rams couldn't find room for him in their spread-formation, run-and-gun offense. The Rams organization hated to see him go, according to St. Louis quarterback Kurt Warner. "Everybody knew how hard of a worker he was and how talented he was," Warner said. "We often told him that if he got in the right system that one day we'd be watching him in the Pro Bowl. All it took was one year." A productive six-game, three-TD stint in his return to Philadelphia convinced Andy Reid to make Lewis part of the Eagles' reconstruction. With little depth at wide receiver, the 6-foot-6, 252-pound Lewis became the favorite target of second-year quarterback Donovan McNabb. We often told him that if he got in the right system that one day we'd be watching him in the Pro Bowl. All it took was one year. Kurt Warner on Chad Lewis Seven times this season, Lewis led the Eagles in catches, including a career-high nine in the Eagles' regular-season finale, a 16-7 win over the Bengals. "Chad is a respectable guy with great character and a great personality," McNabb said. "He works extremely hard. His work ethic is second to none. He wants to be the best." While players relish the free trip to Hawaii for a week of fun in the sun, Lewis finds the honor of being chosen to play in the Pro Bowl as the biggest reward. "I like the respect," he said. "I've gone through some ups and some downs the last four years, and that has made me appreciate the game of football a lot and appreciate where our team got this year. I love the game and I respect the game and I respect the people who've played before me." As he has done the past two years in Hawaii, Lewis talked to kids about the dangers of drugs this week. The only difference about this year's stay is that, as the NFC's starting tight end, he'll get a better view of the action on Sunday. "Every NFL player should take the opportunity to be at a Pro Bowl game. Just to see what it's like and feel it," Lewis said. "Maybe it'll raise their sights a little bit." Joe Lago is the NFL editor for

Posted by: Posted on: February 05, 2001
All, There have been two recent births. The first came to Adam Tolman and his wife Michelle. They had a baby boy Bjorn Craig. The second, and much cuter came to Gouch Smith and his wife Anna. They had a baby Girl, Tari Nicole.

mail service
Posted by: bruce mcallister Posted on: February 05, 2001
i don't want to sound like an over worried parent. our son has been in taiwan for about 7 weeks. we received 2 letters on the same day about one month ago. the letters were written days apart. we have not heard anything sense then. is this typical for the mail service there? are there faster ways to get the mail back and forth? what about mailing him direct? is there a forwarding service? i can be reached at any information would help a couple of anxious parents. thanks

Name Change
Posted by: Gabe Ohms (Canada Vancouver Mandarin) Posted on: February 04, 2001
I just surfed across this site and even though I didn't serve in Taichung, I still would like to answer a question since I have been following this issue for quite a while now. About a year ago I discussed the name change issue with Elder Chia Chu Jen, an Area Authority Seventy covering part of Asia including China. He told me that the translation of Church names is a big hurdle for the Church in China. Due to the original Chinese translation of the name of the Church and the Book of Mormon, the Church has received a negative image in Chinese Asia. The name connotes the end of the world rather than just the latter days. In fact, the two Chinese characters used for "latter-days" are often used by the Chinese press when talking about doomsday religions. The question though, is whether or not we really mean the end of the world, or just the later days as compared with the earlier days when Christ was on the earth. With the recent announcement, this question has been answered, it now literally means the later times or era. As for the Book of Mormon, the name Mormon is a transliteration with no meaning in Chinese. However, if the first Chinese character of the sequence of the three characters in the name is slightly altered, the transliteration makes perfect sense. Except that it carries the meaning of the scripture of the devils gate. In fact, when heard versus seen written, it is commonly misunderstood. The government of China sees the translations as a hindrance. When asked by Chinese officials about the name of the Church, Elder Chia told them it was a mistranslation. After he explained the correct meaning, they asked him why it hasnt been changed if it was incorrect. He then collected a list of over 50 ways to say "latter-days" in Chinese. One of them was approved by Church authorites, and that's what this is all about. If anybody has anymore on this subject, I'd like to know.

Church Name Change
Posted by: Kathi Thompson Posted on: February 02, 2001
My son who is currently serving in the Taichung Mission just mentioned in his letter about the Church name change that Quinton mentioned in his post. What exactly is the difference and how will it help the church in China. My son did not explain this to us. Does anyone know? The missionary work in Taiwan is growing fast. Kathi Thompson Email

Church Chinese Name Changes
Posted by: Quinton Pike Posted on: February 01, 2001
I have been informed from an old mision friend in Taipei, that the Church has changed its name to [C¿q°ò·þ«á´Á¸t®{±Ð·|] recently. A change that many have thought well overdue. Personally, this may be a result to clear itself from any association to cults like that of the FALUNGONG. But either way I thought it good news to pass along to other alum.

Church Chinese Name Changes
Posted by: Quinton Pike Posted on: February 01, 2001
I have been informed from an old mision friend in Taipei, that the Church has changed its name to [C¿q°ò·þ«á´Á¸t®{±Ð·|] recently. A change that many have thought well overdue. Personally, this may be a result to clear itself from any association to cults like that of the FALUNGONG. But either way I thought it good news.

curious about Chubei
Posted by: Jayson Calderwood Posted on: January 26, 2001
Hi, I served in Chubei back in 95 when it was part of Taipei's mission. I was wondering if anyone could update me on the branch there. If you can please email me at Thanks!!

Just want to say "hi"
Posted by: Jim Groethe Posted on: January 10, 2001
My name is Jim Groethe (Stratford 92-94). I am living in SLC, UT and working at an investments firm along with Robert Barker (91-93), Steve Leishman (91-93) and Chad Christensen (93-95). Rob and his wife just had their second child, Erika Lauren, and Rob is almost done with the MBA program at BYU. Steve just moved with his wife and two children to Smithfield, RI for a management position with this firm. Rob, Chad and I are working for Chinese Client Services and enjoy remembering Taiwan and the great people we met, missionaries, members, contacts. We hope this message finds you all well and happy. If you would like to contact any of us, shoot me an email at and I can let any one of them know. Take care...

Mission News
Posted by: Kathi Thompson Posted on: January 10, 2001
My son Elder Trevor Thompson is currently serving in the Taichung Mission. He has been there since Feb 2000. He loves serving in Taiwan. President Kim and all of the missionaries have been doing a wonderful job. The missionaries have worked really hard and the Lord continues to bless them and the people they are teaching the gospel to. Trevor has told us that this past year over 1000 people joined the church in the Taichung Mission. The gospel is really growing there. It is a great place to serve a mission. Kathi Thompson

Sorry about that last posting
Posted by: Ben Baker Posted on: January 09, 2001
Sorry about the formatting of the last posting. I thought it was in HTML, but it ignored my paragraph breaks and such. If you view the source of the page, you'll be able to see the prayer in a more readable format.

80th Anniversary of Dedicatory Prayer
Posted by: Ben Baker (1995-1997) Posted on: January 09, 2001
I received the following from a fellow alumni today. As a note. I don't believe I'm related to either Robert or George Baker. A note from George A. Baker, president of the KaoHsiung Taiwan mission from 1979 to 1982, and a copy of the document to which he refers. Happy Anniversary, and may our prayers in these things be effectual. ------------------------- Dear Associates in the Lord, I was going through my speech files tonight and discovered a copy of the Dedicatory Prayer for opening Missionary Work in China given by Elder David O. McKay on January 9, 1921. Tomorrow will be the 80th anniversary of that prayer. Please join with me tomorrow in reading your copy of the Prayer and then praying to Heavenly Father to hasten the day for the complete fulfillment of that Prayer. May the Lord's choicest blessings be with each of you. I am sending this message to as many addresses as I have. Please forgive me ! if you receive more than one message and please share this dates with any I may not have reached because of my incomplete list. I hope the Prayer evokes many memories for you as it did for me, memories recalled from having read and reread the Prayer while serving the Lord in Taiwan. God bless you all, George Baker ----------------------- Dedicatory Prayer: China David O' McKay January 9, 1921 Our Heavenly Father: In deep humility and gratitude, we thy servants approach thee in prayer and suppication on this most solemn and momentous occasion. We pray thee to draw near unto us, to grant us the peace asked for in the opening prayer by Brother Cannon; and to let the channel of communication between thee and us be open, that thy word may be spoken, and thy will to be done. We pray for forgiveness of any folly, weakness or lightmindedness that it may not stand between us and the rich outpouring of thy Hol! y Spirit. Holy Father, grant us thy peace and inspiration and may we not be disturbed during this solemn inspiration. For thy kind protection and watchful care over us in our travels by land and by sea, we render our sincere gratitude. We are grateful, too, for the fellowship and brotherly love we have one for the other, that our hearts beat as one, and that we stand before thee this holy Sabbath day with clean hands, pure hearts, and with our minds free from all worldly cares. Though keenly aware of the great responsibility this special mission entails, yet we are thankful that thou hast called us to perform it. Heavenly Father, make us equal, we beseech thee, to every duty and task. As we visit the Missions in the various parts of the world, give us keen insight into the conditions and needs of each, and bestow upon us in rich abundance the gift of discernment. With grateful hearts, we acknowledge thy guiding influen! ce in our travels to this great land of China, and particularly to this quiet, and secluded spot in the heart of this ancient and crowded city. we pray that the patition setting this spot apart as a place of prayer and dedication may be granted by thee and that it may be held sacred in thy sight. Holy Father, we rejoice in the knowledge of the Truth, and in the restoration of Gospel of the redeemer. We praise thy name for having revealed thyself and thine Only Begotten Son to thy servant, Joseph the Prophet, and that through thy revelations the Church, in its purity and perfection, was established in these last days, for the happiness and eternal salvation of the human family. We thank thee for the Priesthood, which gives men authority to officaite in thy Holy name. In this land there are millions who know not thee nor thy work, who are bound by fetters of superstition and false doctrine, and who have never been given t! he opportunity even of hearing the true message of their Redeemer. countless millions have died in ignorance of thy plan of life and salvation. We feel deeply impressed with the realization that the time has come when the light of the glorious gospel should begin to shine through the dense darkness that has enshrouded this nation for ages. To this end, therefore, by the authority of the Holy Apostleship, I dedicate and consecrate and set apart the Chinese Realm for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as restored in this dispensation through the Prophet Joseph Smith. By this act, shall the Key be turned that unlocks the door through which thy chosen servants shall enter with Glad Tidings of Great Joy to this benighted and senile nation. That their message may be given in peace, we beseech thee, O God, to stabilize the Chinese government. Thou knowest how it is torn with dissension at the present time, and how faction conte! nds against faction to the oppression of the people and the strangling of the nation's life. Holy Father, may peace and stability be established throughout this republic, if not by the present government, then through the intervention of the allied powers of teh civilized world. Heavenly Father, manifest thy tender mercy toward thy suffering children throughout this famine-stricken realm! Stay the progress of pestilence, and may starvation and untimely death stalk no more through the land. Break the hands of superstition, and may the young men and young women come out ofthe darkeness of the past into the Glorious Light now shining among the children of men. Grant, our Father, that these young men and women may, through upright, virtous lives, and prayerful study, be prepared and inclined to declare thismessage of salvation in their own tongue to their fellowmen. May their hearts, and the hearts of this people, be turned to theirfathers that they may accept the opportunity offered them to bring salvtion to the millions who have gone before. May the elders and Sisters whom thou shalt call to this land as missionaries have keen insight into the mental and spiritual state of the Chinese mind. Give them special power and ability to approach this people in such manner as will make the proper appeal to them. We beseech thee, O God,to reveal to thy servants the best methods to adopt and the best plans to follow in establishing thy work among this ancient tradition-steeped people. May the work prove joyous,and a rich harvest of honest souls bring peace to the workers' hearts which surpasseth all understanding. Remember thy servants, whom tho has chosen to preside in Thy Church. we uphold and sustain before thee President heber J. Grant who stands at the head at this time, and his Counsellors, President Anthon H. Lund and President Charles w. Penrose! . bless them, we pray thee, with every needful work. Likewise bless the Council of twelve. May they continue to be one with the First Presidency. Remember the Presiding Bishophric, and all who preside in stakes, wards, quorums, organizations, temples, church schools, and missions. May the spirit of purity, peace, and energy characterize all thy organizations. Heavely Father, be kind to out Loved Ones from whom we are now separated. Let thy Holy Spirit abide in our homes, that sickness, disease and death may not enter therein. Hear us, O kind and Heavenly Father, we implore thee, and open the door for the preaching of thy Gospel from one end of this realm to the other, and may thy servants who declare this message be especially blest and directed by thee. May thy kingdom come, and thy will be done speedily here on earth among all peoples, kindreds and tongues preparatoty to the winding u! p scenes of these latter days! And while we behold thy guiding hand through it all, we shall ascribe unto thee the praise, the glory and the honor, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer, Amen.

Chapel Addresses
Posted by: John Pi-Pi Posted on: December 28, 2000
The Taiwan Chapel addresses are also available on this site as well

smoldering death under the Tucson sun
Posted by: Big bad Dzwo Posted on: December 18, 2000
Fu, I would easily handle any of the inbreed locals that run rampid across the Arizona night dodging the mighty blows of my 3 wood. It was great! Good to see you. Come to SF and I'll hook you up with some cute guys from work, oh you know you like it!

Chapel addresses
Posted by: Collo Posted on: December 18, 2000
If anyone is looking for addresses and phone numbers of chapels in Taiwan, a list can be found at: You will need a chinese viewer to read the addresses.

Which viewer?
Posted by: Collo Posted on: December 17, 2000
If you were wondering what's a good software to use, I recommend NJstar, which has a 30 day trial if you really like it. You should also update your windows box to get the simplified/tradtional chinese language viewers from (assuming that you are using Windows).

Lewis is going to Hawaii!
Posted by: Brian Foutz Posted on: December 14, 2000
The NFL Pro Bowl rosters were announced this morning and Chad Lewis (Taichung 1990-1992) from the Philadelphia Eagles is the starting TE for the NFC! Congratulations Lu Gau Wei!

I just received my mission call today
Posted by: Elder Tyce Erickson Posted on: November 22, 2000
November 22, 2000 I received my call to Taichung, Taiwan. I report to the MTC on February 14, 2001. I'm super excited and please email me if you can tell me any info about it.

Attn: Dzwo Yung De
Posted by: Fu Ying Lyang Posted on: November 09, 2000
The old dumpy van and the little BMW, each with "Titleist" embossed on their grills are looking for you. Not to mention that destroyed silver Dihatsu(sp?). Thanks for the golf son, it was great to see you again. Long live Wu Feng!

Which Viewer?
Posted by: Bayles Posted on: October 26, 2000
Where can I download a viewer/which one do I need?

Mission Call
Posted by: Jonathan Field Posted on: October 17, 2000
I just got my call to serve in Taiwan, Taichung. I report in the MTC on January 3. I can't wait to go. I would appreciate any advice on what I should bring or anything that would be helpful. I'm nervous about the language. Also, is it neccesary that I have slip-on shoes? My email address is Any suggestions or advice would be well appreciated. Thanks.

teaching English in Taiwan
Posted by: Melinda Tang Posted on: October 11, 2000
Anyone wants to teach English in Taiwan, please contact me at

To Scott Bayles
Posted by: A membre from Taiwan Posted on: October 02, 2000
The reason why you can't get those characters probably is that you haven't downloaded the chinese viewer.Try get one! Cheers

I just got my mission call
Posted by: Josh Falslev Posted on: September 27, 2000
i just got my call to taiwan taichung mission. im so excited, but scared about the language and food. i leave the 15th of november. e-mail me at thanks

TW govt web site
Posted by: Collo Posted on: September 24, 2000
If anyone is looking for decent daily news on TW in English, check out this web site:

Posted by: Collo Posted on: September 24, 2000
Anyone want to hold a reunion in Perth Australia? =D I guess not huh? How about Singapore. Have we got enough Singaporeans and friends to do one there?

Taichung mission reunion in DC?
Posted by: Steve Yates Posted on: September 20, 2000
Living in the DC area, I've missed nearly every mission reunion since coming home. I'm sure others have too. Is there interest in organizing some kind of a get together for mission alumni in this area? Maybe we can make it a joint activity with the Montgomery Chinese Branch in the DC Stake.

telnet software?
Posted by: Scott Bayles Posted on: September 18, 2000
What software do we need for the Taiwan member telnet site? I can get to the site, but don't get the characters.... Name that ke and Yuandze--- Gu yi fan tswo jyao dzuo dzui...

Taichung reunion??
Posted by: Sid King Posted on: September 13, 2000
Has anyone heard anything about any Crook, Miner era reunions?

Posted by: Collo Posted on: September 13, 2000
It's too bad that I live down under eh? Otherwise I'd be interested in meeting up with all of you. Would it be possible for someone to take notes about the goings on in China and post to this web site? I'd be very interested in that sort of thing. And by the way, the Olympics starts this weekend. I can't wait! Go Australia go!!!! ^_^

Taiwan Taichung Mission Reunion for
Posted by: Jacob Ong Posted on: September 11, 2000
-The Stratfords will report on the Church in China and the Koerners will also be in attendance -Date: October 6, 2000 -Time: 5 pm to 8 pm (note: those planning on attending the BYU/USU football game can still make the 7:00 kickoff) -Location: Brigham Young University Wymount (Married Student Housing) Chapel, Provo, UT -Directions: From the Provo MTC, go south on 900 East. Cross the next street, which is University Parkway. The chapel will be on your left. -Questions? Contact Jacob Ong -Light refreshments will be served. - Hope to see you there!

hey waaassuppp my friends?
Posted by: the hulihutu jyemei Posted on: August 26, 2000
i'm so excited! where's all the people i served with, and all the comps i got along with and those i didn't get along with, but hey the church is still true no matter what. i just want to hear from you all. check this out i do remember yall faces no matter you gained or losed, i still love yall. this is totally the bomb of all, is knowing you all. well yall take care. hope to hear you soon. God bless you! sis. leaniva tuala-taua

Posted by: Ruan Jia Chi Posted on: July 31, 2000
I served in the Taichung mission from 1996-1998. A lot of my friends and companions were sent to Kaohsiung and I stayed in Taichung! When I left the mission field we received a list of the names and addresses of all the missionaries who served in the mission while we were there. Those sent to kaohsiung were not included. I subsequently don't have many of the addresses or phone numbers of old companions. Does the Kaohsiung mission have such a list? Can I get one? If any one has information about this please let me know!!! Ryan J. Roberts

Posted by: John Peterson Posted on: July 23, 2000

I just got my call to Taichung
Posted by: Josh Ray Posted on: July 19, 2000
Hey everyone, I got my call to serve in the Taiwan Taichung mission, and I just wanted to put my email address down so that anyone that might have some advice, on what I need to bring, or anything else can write me. My email address is, I am reporting to the MTC on August 30th. Do I really need 2 years worth of deodorant?? Thanks

No biggie
Posted by: Colin Soo Posted on: July 18, 2000
What's all the fuss? It seems to me that it was a harmless comment. I guess John has his work to do like the rest of us. If we want some content, then I guess it's up to us to contribute. After all, he has already asked for some suggestions in the bulletin board. I haven't browsed many of the other alumni sites, but I think so far this is the best one that I've seen and am proud to say that I can be one of its members. I wish I knew how to do a lot of this stuff and would like to do the Kaohsiung site some day. Thanks to John for creating this site and for everyone that contributes to it.

I apologize as you demand.
Posted by: Sen Huei Wang Posted on: July 17, 2000
Somebody asks me come here to say sorry to everyone by handing me an email. So here I am. Anyway, I appreciate anyone who manages this website. With your hard working the church could get better, so is this site. The matter is I'm losing my faith. Recently I'm considering 'bout being or becoming a Buddhist...

My opinion
Posted by: Jerry Posted on: July 10, 2000
Sen Huei Wang complains that it is only the members in Taiwan who are giving updates about our mission. My question is who else could give updates? Former missionaries have no way to give information and current missionaries don't have web access. Thank you to the members in Taiwan who are letting us know what is going on, without your help we are all in the dark. I think this website is great. Kudos to Chen Su Wang.

Meredith Goes to Taiwan
Posted by: Mike Mangelson Posted on: July 05, 2000
For everyone who served under President Carlson, Meredith Carlson received her mission call to Taipei. She enters the MTC on August 30th. Her farewell is August 27th in the Burley 4th ward at 12:50am. Spread the word; we'll have a mini reunion. If you would like to contact Meredith and congratulate her, she's living in Salt Lake until August 12th, and then moving home to be with her parents. Her email address until August 12th is Regards, Mike (

Dear Sen Huei Wang
Posted by: Chen Su Wang Posted on: July 05, 2000
If you click on the link of alumni in the blue at the top of the page, you will see that there are currently 416 missionaries and mission presidents who have registered. Most have included all of their updated information including bios of what they have been up to since returning home. This information alone makes this site wonderful!! It has been so helpful for many of us to track down old friends and plan some terrific reunions over the past couple of years. As for more information about Taiwan, anyone is permitted to post whatever news they want, I hardly think that John Peterson (the webmaster) should be responsible for everything. The content and timeliness of news is only as good as what is submitted. If you have news to post, I'm sure that I speak for 415 others as we welcome it!!

Taichung Mission Site
Posted by: Kathi Thompson Posted on: July 02, 2000
I personally would love for someone to give us updates on what is happening in the Taichung Mission. My son Elder Trevor Thompson has been serving in Taichung since Feb. 2000. He absolutely loves serving his mission there. He says that the people are very kind to the missionaries and they are receptive to the gospel message. There are a lot of people to teach and he has baptized many people since he has been there. He just recently passed off all 6 discussions in Mandarin and is very excited about that. His testimony has grown so much since he has been on his Mission. We have 14 Taiwan Missionary Moms who keep in touch by email on what is happening in Taiwan as regards to Missionary Work there. We would love to hear from others who have Missionaries serving especially in the Taichung Mission. It would also be great if some of the Members living in Taichung would tell us what is happening there. I think this is a great website and the more information we have posted about this great Mission the better. Kathi Thompson

Posted by: Sen Huei Wang Posted on: July 02, 2000
I am sorry to make you so angry. Anyway I want to say that I do love this site as well as you do. But in fact it isn't well updated indeed! Seems like the news are posted all by the church members, isn't that true? And most of the news aren't about what's happening in the Taichung Mission area, but related to that who's coming to start a mission here or getting a work chance at some place...etc. And when I was a member of the Taichung 5th ward, I never heard anyone talked about there's such a website. Even when I had a calling in the stake presidency, (former) President Chou asked me to set up a website for the Taichung Stake. So that's why I say or I should say I feel that this site is seldom visited. You say there are more than 400 information registered already, could you tell me where they are? I the alumni page, I only see less 70 posts, and this is counted ever since November 28, 1998! In the aspect of the Taiwan nwes page, I can only see links to the television companies' websites. That's why I feel this site isn't updated often. Still, if this site is managed by you, I have to say that I appreciate your hard working. I was just expressing my feeling and what I saw. If there's any mistake or misunderstanding I made, you could tell me as well at . I recognize this site is useful anyway, but not for many people. I just hope it to be better.

What do you mean?!?
Posted by: Chen Su Wang Posted on: June 30, 2000
How can you say that this site isn't updated or monitored?? Have you even looked at some of the other mission websites out there? I have yet to see even one that is half as good as this one. Plus, over 400 mission alumni have registered their information, so obviously it is useful as well. Cast your stones elsewhere please, we love this site!!

This website is seldom visited...
Posted by: Sen Huei Wang Posted on: June 29, 2000
I think there are few people know this website, and the content is rarely updated. Is there any one take care or administrate this site? It would be a pity not to treasure such a resource and make it well known to let everyone to know better about the Taichung Mission. BTW, Ryan just prepare your faith and testimony, that's the most important. You may easily get everything needed for the day-to-day life here in Taichung. Life's easy and convenient here, except the hot summer weather...:)

My Call
Posted by: Ryan McAllister Posted on: June 26, 2000
i receved my call and am excited to serve in the taichung mission. i enter the mtc october 11th, 2000. please let me know if there are certain items that i can bring that would help. also anything else that would help me prepare to serve. thanks

Posted by: MIKEL LOFTUS Posted on: May 24, 2000
EZ English School of Taoyuan, Taiwan is looking for 2-3 children's English teachers. Teachers must speak basic Chinese and have degree (in anything). We offer a one year contract, visa, health insurance, and high salary (800 NT per hour to start! ). We are different than most schools in that we sincerely care about our students and teach in a fast-paced, strict style. We also offer help with finding housing and paid training. If you are interested in continuing your Chinese language training and wish to work in a quality school, please write me at: or call 206-297-6911. Thanks!

Taiwan Missionary Moms
Posted by: Kathi Thompson Posted on: May 18, 2000
We have started an email group for all moms with missionaries serving in the Taichung Mission. This has been a wonderful support system of all of us. If you have a son or daughter who has been called to serve in Taichung or who is currently serving there and would like to communicate with other Taiwan Missionary Moms contact the following Website for Missionary Moms and ask to be on the Taiwan list of Missionary Moms. There is no cost to register or to be on this list. Website address Kathi Thompson

BYUH Choir in Taiwan
Posted by: Ryan J. Roberts Posted on: May 02, 2000
Aloha from BYU-Hawaii. This is just a note to encourage anyone who lives in Taiwan to see the BYU-Hawaii Concert Choir when they go to Taiwan From the middle to the end of May. We will perform in Hsinchu, Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, and Kaohsiung. Hope to see you there! Mahalo, Ryan J. Roberts

Mission Call
Posted by: Johnathan Roes Posted on: April 23, 2000
Hi everyone! My name is Johnathan Roes. I Just got my mission call yesterday to serve in the Taiwan Taichung area. I am really excited about serving in Taiwan. If any of you have advice, suggestions or anything that you think might be of help in preparing to go please email me at I go to the MTC on July 19 so I don't have much time and I need all the help I can get :) Thanks!

work in taichiung
Posted by: Mark Ho Posted on: April 18, 2000
Teaching chance in Taiwan!! Here is the main contract that the Brother tell me. 1.After make the contract , they will offer following things: (the contract at least for 4 months) During the 4 months , they offer 1.Plane tickets 2.Food and Place to stay 3.Work from Monday to Friday 4.They offer free travel to East asia area(Hong Kong,Singapore,Malasiya,....Etc) Once a month.Mean four times in four months. 5.Because they offer a lot of free things, they pay totally 2000 USD for 4 months. These are what he tell me. Please call 886-4-2461098 for Peter Wong (Wong Li Ren) or 801-3777724 801-3784008 for Jane Birch Time The end of april or beinging of May.

A working chance in Taichung
Posted by: Mark Ho Posted on: April 18, 2000
The first Counsel of Taichung Presidency , Brother Wong (Li-Ren) He is looking for 2-3 RM who want to teacher english in his cram school!! This is very good chance for you have desire to come back here!!! The perfect time is the end of april or in the begining of May!! You may talk to him. Please call 04-2461098 Wong Li Ren If you want to know detail, call him or reply !! I will try to ask for you. He called me and ask me to ask you guys!! But I don't know much the detail. Please call!! I believe this will be a good chance!! Love, Mark

Can I get some help??
Posted by: A friend Posted on: April 13, 2000
I am trying to find the rededicatory prayer of china by James E. Faust. Does someone have this or access to the English copy?? If you do I would sincerly appreciate it.You can emal it to me at or at BYUH Box 1295 Laie Hawaii 96762 USA. Mahalo Rich Ramoutar

It's Me again!!!!
Posted by: Minnie Chen Posted on: April 07, 2000
Helloooo....seems like not too many people visit this site. Too bad!!! Guys, wake up!!!! Well, as I left the note last time, I want to report the information of the huge reunion this summer in LA... I am very sorry...that I don't have the clear info. now, but as I know, it's gonna be held in July 7th-10th 3 days reunion... Everyone who has served a mission in Taiwan or as a Chinese speaking missionary, or you are a Chinese now live in the States all are invited... Anyway, I guess that I better have all of info. soon... By the way, I and another friend we are planning to drive down to LA...if there is someone interested in going there the day of the reunion...please contact phone number is (801)521-9347 ^___^ I'll come again...

Looking for David Tait's whereabouts
Posted by: Tim Argyle Posted on: March 28, 2000
If anyone knows Dave Tait's address or even a phone number, could you please send it to me at I need to get in contact with him soon. Thanks!

ill be there soon...
Posted by: Bryce Clarke Posted on: March 24, 2000
Hey everyone, im not sure how often this message board gets checked, but ill talk anyway. My name is Bryce Clarke and i have just recieved my call to the taichung taiwan mission! Im so extremely excited about this. I cant wait to get there. im leaving for the mtc this may so it will be about 4 more months until im there, but time flys as im sure you all know.. but anyway if any of you great missionaries have any advise on how i can prepare myself further for this life im about to start id really appreciate it. any info would be much appreciated. you can send it to me at thanks a lot!! take care Elder Bryce Clarke

Posted by: Mark Posted on: March 19, 2000
I am not a RM. But I just want you all know Chen Hsui Bian won the election and the china said they won't fight with Taiwan. There won't be any war!! Missionaries still can serve here!! Taiwan is still a free country!! Mark

BYU Chinese Ward
Posted by: Wang, Hui Ching(Emily Wu) Posted on: March 13, 2000
Dear friends: We are very excited to tell you that BYU Chinese Ward was formed yesterday here, in Provo, Utah. Because of that, the BYU Asian First Ward no longer exists; it had been divided into a Chinese ward and a Korean branch yesterday, on March 12, 2000. From now on, the new Korean branch will include all the members who do not speak Chinese, and the new Chinese ward will hold all church meetings by using Mandarin as official language and add a Cantonese Sunday school class to fulfill the need of Cantonese speaking people. Both the Chinese ward and Korean branch will continue to meet at the same time (from 1~4 p.m.) and in the same building(Rock Canyon Chapel), but in different classrooms. The change was made by the First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve of the Church. We feel certain that it is necessary to form this Chinese ward, so we can provide better facilities to train our brothers and sisters who come from Mainland China to be future church leaders. It also give us better environment to associate with them. Believing by sharing responsibilities together, we will be blessed indeed as a whole big family. We want you to know this exciting news and welcome you and your friends who are interested in coming to our Chinese ward. The ward is not limited for only married couples, so we welcome singles as well. Indeed, we welcome anyone who speaks Chinese to come and join us; we need more hands. We know that it is work of the Lord, and we've been motivated that He has chosen this time to give us this great opportunity. We pray humbly that we will do our best to earn the award from Him. Since next Sunday will be our Stake Conference, the Chinese Ward will meet the first time on March 26, 2000, at 1:00 p.m. in Rock Canyon chapel that is located at 2445 North Timpview Drive, Provo. We welcome you all to join us. Please share it with anyone you know of as well. We wish you the very best. Love, Wu family

looking for lin yo nan's address
Posted by: Jim king Posted on: March 12, 2000
Trying to find tree swim souths address in wu fung, Or where he is currently loacated. Thanks youcan email me at

Helpful resource
Posted by: Bailey Posted on: March 02, 2000
Sorry.. I forgot to post the site addy telnet:// and you can browse it by using the software "telnet" find it out by searching all the softwares in your hardisk. and you'll be soon getting there.

Helpful resource
Posted by: Bailey Posted on: March 02, 2000
Gruess Gott to all alumni served in Taiwan: If you ever tried to find your friend while your mission in Taiwan, you'd be more likely to find them by getting into this LDS bulletin board,one located in Taiwan(but it's all in madarine chinese,make sure that you've installed all the software required).Lots of members from Taipei mission to Kaoshiung mission are there.And your post is all time welcome. The name of the Board is LDS.Das ist alles! ¯¬¥¦w Bailey

Posted by: Tim Jones Posted on: February 22, 2000
I see no information for Taichung President Koerner reunion...are we having one or sticking to just every october? If no reunion, anyone want to get together with me and my wife and eat donuts and watch kung-fu movies? Reply if you can personal:

A Search fo the lost baptized Sheep
Posted by: Tedy Turcsanski (Cha Dz Zhan) Posted on: February 16, 2000
Does anyone know where a member by the name of Zhang Chi Ke (Steven/Kevin) is, from tso ying (nan dz)? Condie & I baptized him in 1992. what about Chu Chuen Min from Yuan Lin (Taichung Di San Fen Hwei) he's about 30 years old? What about Peng Guo Zhong in Feng Shan? If any of you fellas know who and where these members are send them this mission site address and my email ( thank you Ted Turk Turcsanski

|'s Me ^_^
Posted by: Minnie Chen Posted on: February 09, 2000
Hellooo....all, how have you been? Whoever you are, wherever you are, just want to say....Isn't that wonderful that we meet and know each other through His great work.... I miss all of the missionaries I served with (1995-1997) but I still feel excited for all of you are going to serve in Taiwan as a full-time missionary. That is a great blessing you ever have in this life!!!! I am in Salt Lake City now, studying at LDS Business College and also attending the Chinese Ward here. Actually, Pres.Koerner is our high conselor and stake missionary he comes to the ward on sundays. Well, the Chinese Ward does need your invite you to join us... There are so many people who are from Mainland China, they have desire to know the gospel... Also, on Thursdays, there is English class...teachers wanted!!! Please contact me I will give you more info. about it if you are in Salt Lake County... Moreover, there is a 2000 reunion in LA...I'll put the info. here later... Have a great one, Minnie ^_^

Pres. Chen of Syin Ying
Posted by: J. Bryce Smith Posted on: February 01, 2000
This message is for James Baxter: James, I hope things are going well for you. I have his contact information. I will try to send to you soon. He retired shortly after our missions in Taiwan, lived in Canada for a while and is now the Tainan Stake President. Where he "spends all of [his] time doing the Lord's work." In September of 98 the decision was made to build the Stake Center in Syin Ying. Property was identified and purchased in June. I am sure the chapel is close to finished now. Best regards, Bryce Smith -

Posted by: hmw Posted on: January 28, 2000
I guess I had better include my email address if I want to hear from anyone! I can be reached at

Hi Everybody
Posted by: Heather (Muir) Wikle Posted on: January 28, 2000
This is a great site. For anyone who served with me (sister muir or "mai"), here's a brief update: I'm married, and my new last name is Wikle. We have a little girl born May 17, 1999 named Alista. I'll be moving from the great white North of Alaska to California in July or August, so I'd love to hear anything about the Chico area. I'd love to hear ANYTHING from any of my long-lost mission friends!

Watch out Taiwan - Here he comes!
Posted by: Karen Gale Posted on: January 28, 2000
Hello out there in the e-world! My son, Elder Kelby Gale, will be leaving the MTC for Taichung Taiwan in 5 days! I am looking for anyone who would like to give me any advice. I would like suggestions for what I can take to the airport for him, what advice to give him at the airport, or anything else you want to tell me. I would also like to find other moms who would like to email about current missionaries. And finally, if anyone who is home and would like me to share current information with them, let me know. This is a great site. Thanks to those who keep it up. Hope someone responds! Karen Gale

love for all Taichung missionary
Posted by: Mark zebedee wu in Feng-Yuan Posted on: January 19, 2000
Dear every elders and sisters.This is "Mark" I think someone could be know me!?I'm so miss you all.How's going in your daily life.I'm so happy can join in this big family.If you has seen this news in this homepage.Please type e-mail to me and ley me know>>ok!!;).Eepecially you ever srvered in my home- ward Feng-Yuan!!Feng-Yuan is progesss so much We're almost has second ward soon!!This is my email.Please type me!!Tell me anything about you!!**** Be sure remember!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! SINCERELY MARK!!;) 2000/1/19

Just reaching out to all 1990-1992 miss
Posted by: david Hathaway Posted on: January 17, 2000
Just wanting to say hi to all Taiwan missionaries that served in Taichung between 1990-1992 i'd love to hear from you write me at or

Posted by: Bianca Ence Posted on: January 13, 2000
I just wanted to let those that I served with know that I am getting married to David Collings on January 22 in the SLC temple. David is also a former Taichung missionary ( 1995 - 1997.) We will be moving to Seattle right the week after the wedding !

Yung's (And wanna be's)Unite
Posted by: Nathan Thomas Posted on: January 10, 2000
Just wanted to say hey to all and send out an invitation to any of the long lost Yung brothers, you know who you are, to get ahold of me via email. If you know who know who Elder Tune (MTC teacher) is you probably qualify. Jorgensen, Chistiansen, and Williams, I know where you guys are but the rest of you need to write in and keep in touch. And what is this I hear about Hadlock buying steak? You office guys never change. Love Nathan Thomas, Tang Yung Min.

Looking for Pres Chen in Shyin Ying
Posted by: James Posted on: January 04, 2000
This realy isnt news, but would appreciate some help from anyone who might know how to contact the President of the Shyin Ying Branch during 1990-1991. My name is James Baxter. My Chinese name was Ban Deng Lu. Please e-mail me at Thank-you

Pres. Miner Era (80 - 83) Reunion
Posted by: Steve Willis ( Posted on: December 11, 1999
Received a copy of "The Bamboo Rod" describing a reunion for all missionaries that served under President Miner. The reunion will be in SLC March 31, 2000. I'm not an official contact for the event, just trying to spread some news. Send me some email if you want more

Here I come!!
Posted by: Elder Morgan Eldridge Posted on: December 09, 1999
Hi, I just recieve my mission call about an hour ago to serve in the Taichung Taiwan misssion! I am so excited that I will be teaching the gospel to the Taiwanese people. I never would have thought I would go to a place like Taiwan but I know that the Lord needs me thier. I can't wait to get into the language and learn more about the Taiwanese culture. This was the first web site that I went to when I was researching the Taichung area and I think it is awesome! I look forward to getting into the work. I report to the MTC on March 1, 2000. I look forward to being involved more with this web site. I know this gospel is true, Jesus the Christ stands at the head of it. I love this work and can't wait to get into the field.

Another Earthquake!!!! (October 22)
Posted by: Colin Soo Posted on: October 24, 1999
Guys, if you didn't know, there was another big earthquake (6.4). This time it was located in Chiayi, so if any of you served there, maybe you might want to look up some info. Check out the TW Govt's official ENGLISH news site:
Thank goodness there were only injuries. It's pretty scarey to think of the calamities that are going on in Taiwan of late.
It's pretty quiet down under in Australia. If anyone remembers me from the mission, send me an email at
Later, and please remember the Taiwanese Saints in your prayers.

Mission Call!!
Posted by: Nathan Smith Posted on: October 22, 1999
Hey there,
I recently recieved my call to serve
in the Taiwan Taichung mission. I can't tell you how excited
I am. I sometimes need to pinch myself to ensure that I
haven't dreampt this up. My MTC date is December 29th. I
am REALLY anxious to get out there. Anyways, I found your
email on the Taiwan Taichung webpage. I am dieing here
just waiting for the mission. I have visited literally
every website and read everything having any relation to the
mission or Taiwan. I simply can't get enough.
I was wondering if you have any advice for one going to this
mission, any knowledge of a good way to start learning
Mandarin Chinese, or anything else of interest that might
assist me in my preparations for the mission? I am seriously
dieing with the lack of resources here. Thanks again,
Elder Nathan Smith
again my email address is:

Posted by: Sean Whiteley Posted on: October 17, 1999
I was feeling a little nostalgic and decided to browse through the old stomping grounds. The site looks wonderful. I would love to hear from anyone who I served with. My email is

Anyone in Taichung for mission split?
Posted by: Cheyenne Cameron Posted on: September 24, 1999
I have just been called to the Taiwan Kaohsiung Mission, and I enter the MTC Oct. 13, 1999.
I am so excited! I've heard that it was split from the Taichung Mission within a year.
Are there any RM's that were there when that happened? I'd love to hear more about it and
some advice about what to prepare for. Thank you!

News from member in old Chunghsing Ward.
Posted by: Colin Soo Posted on: September 24, 1999
For those missionaries that served in Chunghsing Ward, in particular the Wufeng companionship:
Today I called Phil Lin (aka Linners aka Lin You Nan), who lives in Wufeng.
He said that it's 30% destroyed, with Dali and Sheng Yi Hui and Chunghsing Village (the place where the chapel is) seriously damaged. Taiping is also very serious.
I was told by another member that there are corpses on the street in Wufeng and Linners confirmed it.
Furthermore, all the members are okay. In Chunghsing Village, all the government buildings have been destroyed, but Heavenly Father decided to spare the chapel. It is completely unscathed.
Taichung 5th chapel (a rented building) was destroyed. Taichung 1st chapel (opposite Chung Yo Dept Store) is also completely unscathed.
The old missionary apartment in Wufeng is destroyed. Members are all safe, but some of their houses have been wrecked.
Unfortunately no news about the Puli members and chapel. The chapel is presumably gone.
Some good news is that the son of President Zeng (of the Chunghsing Branch) is going to Australia Brisbane Mission to serve in the chinese programme in 10/99.
Sorry I can't make it to the reunion. I would have loved to go, but got school and cost to get to America is too big.
Hope everything is going well for you guys. Please pray hard for the Saints and missionaries, and for The Work to continue.
God Bless,
Colin Soo

news from Taichung Mission
Posted by: Nate Kibby (Chi, Bi-yi) Posted on: September 22, 1999
i just called the mission office and the mission president was out in Nantou County helping the missionaries hand out food, etc. i asked if there was anything we could do and there was nothing of immediate concern. the Church has already started in the relief effort and the biggest thing Taiwan would need in the future is people to help rebuild structures and such. we all might want to check with another source to see if there is anything else we can do. does anybody have any idea who to contact SLC about such things? later

I'd love to hear from you!
Posted by: Bonnie (McDaniel) Tautkus Posted on: September 22, 1999
Great site! Thanks to those who maintain it. I'd love to hear from any of you with news about Taiwan, people, your lives! We are moving to CT, address is posted under my name. Take care!

Taiwan Taichung Mission Reunion
Posted by: Jacob Ong Posted on: September 22, 1999
We will be having a mission reunion in October - on the Friday evening just prior to General Conference. Scott Gold's parents have graciously offered their house in Bountiful for the occasion. It will start at 6:30 pm and if the weather is nice, we will be able to mingle, visit, and renew acquaintances in their back yard. President and sister Koerner are going to ask many of you to bring tins to eat. Because of the effort in putting these things together, they will probably only do it once a year (unless some of you have ideas how we could easily do it in the spring too)---- according from President Koerner's letter.
Sister koerner made a sugesstion that, as usual, really makes sense. She said that instead of sending out mailers next year, we should just announce the time and location of our reunion on the internet. We can put it in two places:
1. (clk on reunions)
Even though this is president Koerner site for dentists and patients, a corner of the home page will have something about Taiwan you can click on.

Worried Parents & Families
Posted by: Sheri Skitt Posted on: September 22, 1999
Sister Marvin...
Please call your mother at 907 245-1197. She wants to hear from you, that you are ok!
Or send an e-mail to
Hope everyone is doing fine. Keep up the good work
All our love...Sheri

Posted by: Posted on: September 22, 1999
Any relief efforts underway that we can get involved with? Let's see how we can collectively help our people there.
Any news on Miao Li?
Email back with suggestions and comments to
Thanks. let's get moving.

Posted by: Steve Lineback Posted on: September 21, 1999
What can we do to help Saints affected by the earthsquake?

Big Ni Hau from Canada
Posted by: Scott Hill Posted on: September 15, 1999
Just found this site, isn't it great? Big tip of my Maple Leaf hat to whoever it is that maintains it.
Congrats Mills... You were a great Elder and your news made me smile.
Regards to all those who served along my side. I miss you all. I'd love to hear from you.

canceled wedding plans
Posted by: Laird Sessions Posted on: August 14, 1999
Laird Sessions will not be getting married as was posted previously.

Hello fellow TaiChung'ers
Posted by: Tony Myers Posted on: August 14, 1999
Hello everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone that I just got married! I am now at the "Y" and welcome anyone to stop in. My email is and my phone is 373-5827. Good luck and may God be with all of you.
and if anyone knows how to get in contact with Andrew Miao, please let me know. Thank you

President Carlson Mission Reunion
Posted by: Mike Mangelson Posted on: August 02, 1999
Everyone who served under President Monte B. Carlson (1983-86) is invited to a mission reunion in Provo, Utah on Friday, October 1, 1999 at 7:00pm. The exact meeting place will be announced when we reserve it. President and Sister Carlson and family will be there. It's been a number of years since we last held a reunion. We have lost track of many alumni, so please help spread the word. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Denise Carlson McGuire at (801) 229-7924; Mike Mangelson at (801) 578-6903 (days), (801) 451-9684 (nights), or by e-mail:; Meredith Carlson at (801) 461-4662 (she's big enough to talk on the phone now!); or Reid Lambert at (801) 364-1100. We'll see you there!

Mike Mojica will join you!
Posted by: Shihong Chi Posted on: July 28, 1999
I am from the Austin Univeristy Ward at Austin, TX.
My friend Mike Mojica got his mission call to TaiChung mission.
We are trying to teach him Chinese.

He's still a boy!
Posted by: Nate Mills Nov.94-Dec.96 Posted on: July 25, 1999
Ethan Lundberg Mills has finally arrived! He was born on June 8th at 1:48pm. He was 5lbs and 13 ounces and almost 20 inches long. He is very healthy and happy and loves to keep us up at nights. He is now almost 7 weeks old and we are so happy to have him. We have been reading and the going advice is that we should wait until he is at least two years old before he starts learning Chinese. I don't know if I can wait that long, butwe'll have to see.

change of plans
Posted by: Laird Sessions Posted on: July 18, 1999
Hi this is Laird Sessions or Sai lao shi as some of you know me. I am sad to report that my wedding plans have been canceled for the month of July. Take care everyone out there!

new missionary
Posted by: sonja hunter Posted on: July 10, 1999
My son, Randy entered the MTC on Wed. July 7th. So he will be in Taiwan in a couple of months. He is very excited to serve the people there. I know he will be a great missionary. This sounds like a great mission area. We are excited for him to serve there. He already loves the language.

Looking for Dai Syu Hung (West Tainan)
Posted by: John Dye ( Posted on: June 11, 1999
I am looking for Dai Syu Hung (Arnold Dye). He lived in the West Tainan boundaries during 1989-1991. He was extremely active for some time, but may have gone inactive when he perfomed his military service in Taipei.
Please let me know if you are aware of his current situation (or even met him when you were on your mission).
John Dye (Tai Jyan Jr)

New Missionary
Posted by: Jared Stoker Posted on: May 10, 1999
I just recieved my mission call to Taiwan and I need advice on what to bring and anything you think I might need. I leave on August 4th, and any info would be great. Thanks.

Visitor From Taiwan!
Posted by: CHEN, Ye Arnie Posted on:
Hello, my friends. I am going to the Salt Lake City for the Temple Recorder's Seminar on May 8-15, 1999. I will stay in the Inn at the Temple Square. If you want to talk to me, please feel free to give me a call. I am looking forward to hear from you. Thnx.

The Great White North Mission Reunion
Posted by: Armener Posted on:
Bring your dog sleds and your buffalo coats because it is going to be a cold one. The first canadian elders mission reunion (actually everyone is invited) will be held July 1st in Lethbridge Alberta. If your coming contact me at or
"God Bless the US of A"

Laird Sessions is finally engaged
Posted by: Laird Sessions Posted on:
Laird Sessions or Sai lao shi as some of you know me is to be married the 15th of July in the Manti temple. He is quite excited. I will post the adress of the receptions and hope to see any of you there. I have just posted my e-mail adress so feel free to write me.

Back in the Orient
Posted by: David J. Denning(Dengbwowen) Posted on:
I am back in the Orient. My family and I are now living in Northern Japan. I am stationed at Misawa AB. I am in the USAF, and have been married five years in September. We have two wonderful sons named Alex(3years old) and Caleb(18 months old). I would very much like to hear from anyone that would care to email me. Shen jufu nimen

Getting Married
Posted by: Laird Session Posted on:
Hey out there. Laird Sessions (served 1992-1994 under President Stratford)is FINALLY getting married. July 15, 1999 in Manti. Her name is Caroline Fairbanks who is incidently President Koerner's neice. Small world. If anyone has Chris Lawton's e-mail adress please post it. Thanks.

It's a Boy!!!!!
Posted by: Nate Mills Posted on: March 01, 1999
It's a BOY!!!!!
My own little erdze! I mean he isn't here yet but he will be in a little over 3 months! Well that is all for now. I thought I would tell everyone like I promised.
Nate Mills Nov94' to Dec 96'

I'm having a baby!
Posted by: Nathaniel Mills Posted on: February 03, 1999
Well, I'm not pregnant, but my wife is and we are both dang excited! We don't know if it is a boy or girl yet, but is sure is active. We have decided our little one is doing some form of handsprings or something. We will let you all know what sex it is when we find out.
Nov94- Dec96

Christiansen and Jorgensen unite again.
Posted by: Jeremy Christiansen & Lance Jorgensen Posted on: January 06, 1999
Thanks for the steak Hadlock.

Congrats to Robert Baker!!!!
Posted by: Ben Baker Posted on: December 01, 1998
Hi! I'm actually not related to Robert as far as I know, but he's got a cool name. Anyhow, here's an e-mail he sent to a bunch of people: Tanner James (TJ) Baker was born on 11/30/98 at 10:56 AM. He weighs 8.0 lbs, 20 inches long. He came quickly. Jill started having contractions at about 3:30 this morning. We were at the hospital by 6:30 and TJ, not wanting to keep us in suspense came quickly. Jill and TJ are doing just fine. I have to admit watching the labour made me a little green around the gills, but I survived.

Please Add Your News!
Posted by: John Peterson Posted on: November 28, 1998
Click the Link at the top right "ADD NEWS TO THIS PAGE" and add some news.
