News Item: Teruya Jidai (74-77) RM David Weidman called as Mission President
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Church News 04 Feb 2012-New mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency to begin their service about July 1, 2012. The Church News article and picture appear below. (Webmaster update: On 03 Mar 2012, mission assignments were announced; Weidman Choro will preside over the California Oakland/San Francisco Mission. Weidman Choro is a Sendai RM who served April 1974-1976. He and his group were called to the Japan East Mission, then arrived in Japan just before the new Sendai mission was established on 01 Jul 1974.)
David N Weidman, 56, and Rachel Nielsen Weidman, six children, Coppell 3rd Ward, Carrollton Texas Stake. Brother Weidman is a counselor in a stake presidency and is a former high councilor, stake Young Men president, counselor in a stake presidency, bishop and missionary in the Japan Sendai Mission. Chairman of the board, Celanese Corporation. Born in Tremonton, Utah, to Byron Orme and Olive Nelson Weidman.
Sister Weidman serves as a counselor in a Young Women presidency and is a former Primary president and counselor, Relief Society president, Relief Society teacher and institute teacher. Born in Albuquerque, N.M., to Lloyd Carlisle and Jo Ann Hunsaker Nielsen.
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