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To all TDM (Texas Dallas Mission) missionaries who served under President Grant E. Barton from June 1982- July 1985,
We are excited to announce a Texas Dallas Mission reunion, scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m.
Address: 2100 E 2300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
This long-awaited event has been scheduled with multiple purposes in mind: friendship, fellowship, and reconnecting with our fellow missionaries from the TDM. Most importantly, we want to honor the legacy of our dear President and Sister Barton.
Over the past few years, Parkinson’s disease has challenged President Barton's health and well-being. Over time, it is expected to be all-consuming.
Please come celebrate, reconnect, and enjoy an evening together. Spouses are encouraged and Family members are also welcome to attend.
For questions or concerns, please contact Aaron Hall at (801) 835-1395, or John Taylor at (801)-652-3943, or Patricia Crockett DuBray at (916)-479-6366
Please RSVP at ahallwasatchpt@gmail.com so we can plan appropriately for space and refreshments.
For additional details and updated information, you can go to the Facebook page: Texas Dallas Mission - Barton 1982-85
We look forward to seeing you there!
Note: We are working on providing an online link for those unable to attend in person.
Please relay this message to other TDM missionaries that served during President & Sister Barton’s time to those whom you have contact information for.
"About a month ago while attending the Dallas Temple with four Elders in our area, I handed in requests to print 100 blue cards for male endowments. Unfortunately, the temple gave my 100 names to someone else!!! I could have reprinted them but felt like the Lord wanted me to be patient. It fills sometimes like I’m being set up for something but have no idea for what. Then last Friday morning, I got a call from the man who had my names. We worked out an agreeable plan to return my 100 names. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? The man’s name is Bro. Loschen, who was baptized by ELDER LARSEN in Lewisville about a year ago and was taught by ELDERS STRATFORD, STUFFLEBEAM and ELDER HARMS. Bro. Loschen is the only member in his family and has over 8,000 names in his temple reserve file and is working hard to complete all of them. How would you like to be the Elder (or Sister) that was responsible for baptizing one man and touching the eternal lives of an additional 8,000 souls? If you know any of the above Elders, please pass “thank you” along to them." - Bro. V*
In 1976, I was an 18 year old, baptized in Lubbock, TX by Elder William Matthews and Elder Terry Maxfield. Since that time, I have served a mission, married in the temple and raised kids in the church. Would anyone know their current address and whereabouts? I would like to get caught up on the past 30+ years.
Dean Brown
Hey Skinner if by some chance you see this get ahold of me. Want to see how you are doing. Troy
27 years later and suddenly I'm waxing nostalgic for my beloved fellow missionaries of the Great TDM! Perhaps it's because I just sent my second son to the MTC earlier this week. Perhaps it's because I'm nothing but a "miserable, deceitful wretch". That's how barber Floyd Lawson described himself in one of the greatest Andy Griffith Show episodes of all time and kind of how I feel for losing track of some of the most wonderful people on this planet. Hope some of you are still out there and ready to reconnect soon!
Anyone have an address for Pres. Torres who served as counselor in the mission presidency for a while? I'd like to send him a wedding announcement ASAP! Thanks!
-Mark Gillins
We have a group for elders & sisters who served with President and Sister Hanks! Come join up!
I still have the originals (since I wrote it!) and can scan them to PDF if they're still needed. Just let me know...
Anytime is fine with me. I'll try and make it.
If we have it at conference time, it would be April '10, if not, summer '10.
20 year (more or less) Reunion - Ok everyone - I am willing to start the reunion organizing. Many of you are Anderson, but alot of us are Brinley too. Maybe we can combine? Here is another question - We will do an informal poll: Do you want to have the reunion at conference time, or plan it for the summer when more people may be able to come? Everyone give some feedback!
Hey! Has everyone seen Pres. and Sis Hanks in the May 2009 Ensign on Pg 77! It's a great picture and the perfect talk for them to be in.
Ok everyone that served under either Pres. Brinley his last 6 months as Mission President and Pres. Anderson, we crazy Polynesian TDM'ers from 1989-1992 (Elder Leilua, myself and Sis Tafili) want to have a mission reunion because we have not seen you crazy people since our mission days. (Did that sentence even make sense?) Guess getting nostalgic in my old age. Well, trying to get something together and will let y'all know when and where. And yes I still say y'all 18 years later. Send me an email if y'all get a chance or just reply to this message if you have current contact information for any former TDM'ers from 1989-1992 that have not registered on this website. Mahalo Sis Vuki
During a recent visit with the current mission president at a stake conference, President Smith indicated he has been trying to find the sheet music for the Texas Dallas Mission song. (Apparently this has fallen through the cracks over the years but he would like to get that tradition going again.) A few of us have searched and come up with the words - but as of yet no one has found any sheet music.
Is there anyone that still has the sheet music? I believe the sheet music would have been included in each missionary's mission binder provided by the mission president on their first day in Texas. If you kept that binder and all of its contents, then you probably have the sheet music. If so, could you scan it and send the pdf version to me as well as to Bill Marble. Bill said he could post it on this website for future reference.
Looking for Tim Campbell, Jason Hartman, Jeff Beck, Lance Dattage, Rick So, Rian Kotter, Mike Wahlberg, Shaun Crowther, Max Vanderlaan, David Dutton. Any help would be great!
Delora Simkins 1927 ~ 2009 Our beloved mother, grandmother, great
grandmother, friend and widow of Jack Leland Simkins, Delora Johnsen
Simkins, age 82 passed away of natural causes March 4, 2009 at her
daughters home in Landcaster, Ca.Delora was born April 13, 1926 in Pioche,
Nevada to Carl and Anne Johnsen. She was raised in St. George, UT, by her
grandmother Annie Carter Johnsen. She attended and graduated from Dixie
High School in 1944. Delora married Jack Leland Simkins on June 1, 1948 in
St. George, UT. They were later sealed in the St. George Temple December
1964. They made their home in St. George, and spent their summers in
Barcley Nevada on the ranch they owned and operated. Later they moved to
Panaca, NV, they lived there for 13 years. In 1969 they sold the ranch and
moved to Center-field, UT. Jack and Delora had three children. She was a
devoted wife and loving mother. Delora was a wonderful homemaker where she
spent many hours to provide a loving and beautiful home for her family. She
was a great cook and enjoyed gathering family at her home for excellent
meals. She worked as a nursing aide at the Gunnison Valley Hospital for
many years. She also worked as an aide at the Gunnison Valley High School,
helping struggling readers. Delora was a great neighbor and friend who
reached out to help someone in need. Delora was a member of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in Stake and Ward Relief
Society Presidencies. She served a full time mission to the Dallas, Texas
mission from 1986-1987. She also served as a temple worker at the St.
George Temple. Being the great-granddaughter of William Carter (known as
the first plow man of Utah) she was a life long member of the Daughters of
the Utah Pioneers and served in many capacities through the years. Delora
is survived by her children, Douglas Jack and Sue Simkins Price, UT; Carol
and Ralph Knapp Landcaster, CA; and Willard Carl Simkins Springville, UT;
19 grand children and 19 great grand children. Brothers, Leonard Hazelton,
Jerry Matherly, and Carl Deloy Johnsen a twin. Funeral Services will be
held Sat. March 14, 2009 in the Centerfield ward chapel, Centerfield Utah.
A viewing will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. with the services to follow
at 11:30 a.m. Interment will be at the Centerfield City Cemetery.
I'm looking for Sister Carol Bergan (or Burgan?). She would have served under President Lovell, I think. Does anyone know where is?
Hey, it's been 21 + years but still dream about the mission. would love to find any companions I served with in 85-87 .
If you served with me or around me,please contact I would love to hear from you.thanks Elder Bangerter.(still a ROCK)
Trying to locate two missionaries that used to visit us in Mesquite, TX around 1999-2003. Elder Ford and Elder Olsen. Elder Ford was originally from New York and Elder Olsen was from Utah. Would love to contact them and hear how they are doing.
If anyone knows how to contact them please let me know.
I sent you an email, but incase you don't get it I am posting this message. I heard you were trying to find me. I am still in Dallas. Send me a message or call me. Hey do you know where Hanson is now? Let me know.
Hello all, I am looking for a former companion, Hermana Cushman. I trained her in Garland. I understand she lives in Texas with her Husband and family, but I can't seem to find her. If you know where she is, tell her I'd like to say "hi."
Does anyone have a map of the whole mission? My son will be serving there in 12 days. I'd like to see what the boundaries of the TDM are.
Anyone have the music from the Joseph Smith Oratorio? It was a small musical performed every fast sunday at the mission president's home.
I'd love to get a copy of the music.
Does anyone know the whereabouts or how to contact Sister Jennifer Funderburke aka Sr. Fun) she was my trainer and served in Longview (1988-1989) I remember she was from Monroe North Carolina
This was truly a memory making conference! I did remember a vidoe camera in the back of the meeting hall. this vide is on my shopping list for this week!
I have the DVD from the Skousen website. Not only is it a great blast from the past for the missionaries that were there, but they have added lots of pictures from Cleon Skousens mission also. I knew that they had recorded audio, but I hadn't known they had video recorded it also.
I believe that President Mathaney's first name is Oriville.. FYI here is a great link for all of you TDM'ers that were at the "mission conference" in December 18 1980 where Cleon Skousen spoke. If your cassette tape was lost, or mispalced you can get a cd, video or another cassette of that great event! http://www.skousen2000.com/religious%20products/Atonement.htm Very Cool blast into the past!
His first name is Rigoberto.
As I recall, I think it's something like "Lino" Torres, although it could be short for something.
Does anyone remember the full name of President Torres, who serves as a counselor to President Hanks and Morgan? I believe his name is Alberto Torres, but can't recall with surety.
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."