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There is a family looking for an Elder David Bennet from Nevada that first tracted their family in Adrogue in early 1991 I beleive. The entire Vallejos family eventually got baptized as well as their niece Erica Echeveria. I was able to reap the harvest with Jesse Anderson. If any one knows of David Bennett or how to get a hold of him please let me know. Jenkinsdamon@gmail.com
I was just looking for members who remember me, I served in BS. As South Mission from 1988 thru 1990. I was in Chivilcoy, La Plata (Villa Elvira), Florencio Varela, Chascomus and Berazategui
Does anyone have a map of the area the mission covers? If so I'd love to get it! sfurber1@gmail.com. Thanks!
Dear Companion: Do you remenber when us construimos la pila bautismal en Sierra Grande?
Te mando un abrazo. Horacio Ricagno
Busquo a unos misioneros de mi epoca (82-84). Haya alguien quien conozca a los siguiente?: Jose Trucco (San Nicolas) Maria Martinez Victor Salazar (Chileno) Lisa Kimmel (California) Bryan Scott (Utah) Scott Stephan (California) Misti McIntire (Arizona) Adriana Utrera (Cordoba)
Hey Mike,
How's it going? Sorry I don't have any info. on Boyer, but if you reach him, ask him to drop me a line. Thanks. I think he was my second jr. companion in Balcarce and he was a great comp. We also each had Davis as a comp. He and his wife visited us in Az many years ago but we haven't had any contact since then.
Take care!
Clare Fuller
PS Hopefully you remember me. We were in the ltm together. I was the weird one from Az.
I am trying to contact Ken Boyer, my companion in Tandil in 1977. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.
Does anyone know how to contact the Franco family from Las Flores? Alberto y Marta? I have not heard from them in a couple years and would love to get back in touch- or at least hear an update on them!
Attention La Plata Zone of Oct 1992:
I recently located the mission video from when my parents were visiting Argentina in Oct 1992. A portion of this video is of the entire Zone cleaning the church of Villa Elvira. Some of it is pretty funny. It is interesting to see how we all were in the mission so long ago.
The following Elders/Hnas were in the video:
ZL's: Elder Gaskin and Elder Smith
DL's: Elder Mark Christensen and Elder Chad Momberger
Other missionaries: Hna Analia Borges, Hna Sanchez, Hna Hones, Hna Hunsaker, Elder Payne, Elder Reeves, Elder Farias, and of course, Elder John Hunter.
If any of you are interested in obtaining a copy of this video. Please email me your address:
laurie.j.martz@jpmchase.com or
PS. The beginning of the video is of my parents and I, but the last half is of the Zone. FYI: Kinda boring in some places.
Hope all is well with you guys!
Hna Laurie Martz
what kind of camera should i take?
ok, i'm about to leave for the MTC, and my call says i need to take a sleeping bag, which seems kind of inpractical in a suit case. what kind am i supposed to take?
Estimados y Estimadas,
quería ponerme en contacto con algunos de mis compañeros y amigos de aquella epoca... vi un mensaje de Marina Sithideth pero no he podido enviar un mensaje directo a ella por algún problema de la página... espero noticias de los que quieran contactarse.
saludos desde Uruguay!
Hola, alguien conoce a Marcelo Snachez Jr o Elder Sanchez, quien sirvio en Chascomus alrededor de 88-90?Gracias
Hello, does anybody know Marcelo Sanchez JR. or Elder Sanchez who served in Chascomus during 1988-1990?
Estoy buscando los Amigos que conoci durante mi' mision. Los anos 83-85. En Quilmes, Lanus,Tandil, Monte Grande Florencio Varella y Solano.
I'm not sure if anyone remembers or even cares for that matter, but I received word 8 months or so into my mission that my mom's cancer had come out of remission. At the request of Pte. Vasquez, the mission fasted several times specifically for her. I wanted to thank everyone who participated. You may have found the frequent fasts as bothersome or silly, but they meant the world to me and my family. At the time, the doctors estimated that she would live another 6 months or so. My mom has been fighting the cancer for the past 6 years. She often reminds me that she is with us today due to the fasting and prayers of my mission companions. She has fought hard for 6 years and has not let the cancer have the best of her. But the human body can only endure so much. I fear she is nearing the end of her mortal life. Again, I want to thank all of you who participated for your fasting and prayers. She has since seen the birth of 4 grandchildren and she will likely know 2 or 3 more of her grandchildren before she leaves this earthly life. She has seen 2 additional sons leave on missions. She has been to the sealings of her 3 oldest sons. She is a wonderful mother and her grandchildren love her. Little do they know how great a blessing it is that they even have the chance to know her in this life. I have done a great deal of maturing since I returned from my mission. I have become more aware of the blessings in my life. I have learned to acknowledge the hand of the Lord. I know that a large part of her success in fighting the cancer can be attributed to the fasting and prayers of my missions companions. I testify to each of you that Heavenly Father heard and hears our prayers. Thank you.
My son, (serving in Knoxville, Tennessee), is trying to locate a friend from BYU named Elder Mackade Murdock. He thinks that he's currently serving in the Buenos Aires South Mission. I would greatly appreciate any help in locating Elder Murdock.
Thank you,
Sis. Williams
Does anyone know how to contact Elder Figueroa from Cuernavaca, MX? He served probably around 1991-1992.
Alguien sabe contactar Elder Figueroa de Cuernavaca, Mexico? El servio desde probablamente 1991 a 1992.
Thank you/Gracias,
Adam Gonzalez
Does anybody know any more details about President Abad's health? It sounds like he is in critical condition.
Our Missionary will be coming home in early 2008
does anyone have a map (jpeg etc.)
that we can print out of the mission?
This may be a little late, but i would definitely bring a sleeping bag. not a large one, but rather a stuff bag that can handle very cold temperatures. I picked up the brand "slumberjack" which was a sub-zero stuff bag for a great price. Transporting it was easy in the bottom of the garment bag i brought with me. I stuffed the sleeping bag in its own stuff bag and then placed that in the bottom of the garment bag, it was a perfect fit and not bulky at all. as the other elderes said, bring some sheets to cover yourself in the summer to ward off mosquitoes.
p.s. i wouldn't trust the blankets that the mission provided, most of them were very worn and were very dirty. stick with the sleeping bag! :)
good luck!
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."