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 | Elder Daniel Pia Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Shirley Dean Christensen (1999 - 2002) | Served: 2000 - 2002 | Areas Served: Santo Tome, Lujan, Barrio Jardin 1, Armenia 1, Garupa, Libertad, Rqta. Oeste, Bqueras. 1 | Companions: Burke Gene Mason | Federico Daniel Medina | Jason Douglas Pfeffer | Nathan Kent Player | Your Occupation: student | Spouse: Mónica Jaime de Pia | Comments: Hey everyone!! It's been a long time since I've changed my profile, and seeing as how there have been a few big changes in my life, I thought I'd take a minute to do so. The biggest change that's happened so far is that I got married 3 weeks ago!! Not only did i get married, but I married the girl of my dreams!! Wanna know who she is? Well, I put her name in the slot above, so take a look there. :P There have been big changes for both of us, and it takes effort, but for all you solterones, it's totally worth it!! Chau!!
Hola todos!! Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la ultima vez que actualice mi perfil, y ya que han habido algunos cambios grandes en mi vida, pienso tomar un minuto para hacerlo. El cambio mas grande que me ha pasado hasta ahora es que me case hace 3 semanas!! Y no tan solo me case, sino me case con la chica de mis sueños!! Quieren saber quien es? Pues, puse su nombre en el lugar alla arriba, asi que fijense ahi. :P Han habido grandes cambios para los dos, y requiere esfuerzo, pero para todos los solterones, vale la pena totalmente!! Chau!! |
Created: 02 Feb 2003 Modified: 06 Jul 2010 |
Last Login: 06 Jul 2010 11:33:02 AM |
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