News Item: Fall 2009 Reunion
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When: Friday, October 2nd--6:30 p.m. Sign-in, name tags and mingling; 7:00 p.m. brief chapel session (can't wait to sing "Called to Serve" with you again!); then dessert social (ice cream sundaes...or maybe a little real food...we'll have to see) into the evening.
Where: Sherwood Hills Ward Chapel--4210 N. Foothill Drive, Provo, Utah (see directions below--this place is well-hidden on the East side of Foothill between Windsor and Devonshire! (Same location as last Fall)
Who: All former Higham-era (mid-2005 to mid-2008) ATM'ers [and spouses, children and dates, if desired]
Dress: Appropriate for Chapel
Cost: Smiling faces...
RSVP: If you give us some idea how many will be there (
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