The Australia Adelaide Mission |  Mission Life |  Australia
What Should I Take (and What Shouldn't I?) |  Aussie terms / slang
T h e   M T C

A mission is not easy! It is physically, emotionally, and mentally draining and exhausting. But you'll never feel better. But of course you knew that. Your mission life begins when you arrive at the MTC. It's there you will prepare (in a small way) to enter the mission field. But what kind of preparation you ask? Well, you spend most of your 3 weeks there in classes learning the discussions and how to teach and study. There is not much training on mission life or finding techniques; you learn that in the field. You are well taken care of in the MTC: 3 all-you-care-to-eat meals a day, plenty of basketball and volleyball, warm showers, short haircuts, and the Provo Temple once a week (or the New Zealand Temple if you're coming from the Pacific Area). However, as long as it may feel, the 3 weeks you spend there will fade quickly, and you'll be on the plane before you know, off to the land down under.

T h e   F l i g h t

    The flight is long and boring. Actually it's usually 3 flights, one from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, then to Sydney, and on to Adelaide. The total time spent travelling is close to 30 or 40 hours (unless of course you come from New Zealand). You'll probably have 3 or 4 movies on the flight; enjoy them, as they'll be the last you'll see for a while! (Your mission president, however, would prefer you not watch them. Study your scriptures and discussions instead.) 95% of the flight is over water, and you cross the International Date Line, which means that you arrive 2 days later than when you left, and your internal clock will be completely out of sync.

Y o u r   F i r s t   D a y   i n   t h e   A A M

    When you arrive in the AAM, you will spend most your first day at the mission office, attending meetings and being interviewed by the Mission President. You will be assigned a trainer, who will be responsible for teaching you the basic missionary skills and knowledge in your first three months, and then escorted off to your first area for a bit of sleep. The next day you'll be straight into the missionary work.

D a i l y   S c h e d u l e

The daily schedule is usually something like this:
As Planned
- Arise, shower, dress
- Personal study
- Companionship study
- Go forth
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Return home, plan next day
- Lights out

A lot of your time will be spent finding people to teach. The AAM is a tracting mission, meaning that you will normally spend at least 2 or 3 hours a day knocking on doors to find investigators. Don't worry about it though, it's not that scary, and can be quite enjoyable once you learn how it's done and how to be confortable and sure of yourself. The following is a list of weekly goals for all missionaries working in the city, so it reflects pretty well what you will do each week:

Tracting - 17 Hours
Teaching - 15 Discussions
                7 Discussions from 2-6
                8 1st Discussions
                About 22 Hours
Re-activation - 15 Hours
Service - 4 Hours
Member-missionary work - 10 Hours
Meetings - 10 Hours
Baptizing - 1-2 Families per month per companionship
Total Proselyting Hours - 66.5

H o u s i n g
A typical missionary flatYou will usually be in a companionship with one other missionary, though it is sometimes necessary to have 3 in a companionship. There is also generally one companionship in a "flat" (apartment). Most flats are in good shape, with all the furnishing you'll need (except for a dishwasher, air conditioner, and maybe a washing machine).

T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Depending on which area you serve in, you may be fortunate enough to have a car. As you can see, mission cars are very new, and must be kept in good condition. Only a certain amount of miles are allotted each month, and you will learn to plan your days to conserve miles.
      Some of your areas may be in a car, as there are a few in the mission, but most of your areas will be bike areas. Each missionary purchases their own bike at the beginning of their mission. You will quickly become adept at changing tires, fixing flats, and other basic bike maintenance.

T r a n s f e r s

-Transfers are usually every 4-6 weeks. You will receive a call (usually 2-4 days in advance) that lets you know whether you and/or your companion will be transferred. If you are in the "metro area" (the 90% of the mission close to Adelaide itself), you will drive to the "transfer meeting", which is held in the Firle chapel, next to the mission home and office. There you find out who your new companion is (and what area you'll be going to). Departing missionaries bear their testimonies, and there is a message from the Assistants and the President.

-Missionaries use the Blue Planner to plan out their days. You will receive training on the use of Blue Planners in the MTC, and your trainer will also teach you.

-Dress coats are required to be worn from April through October (the Australian Winter), and are optional the rest of the year.

M i s c .

-Because of the long time it takes for mail to travel to the mission, all mail should be sent to the mission office. It is then forwarded out to you whereever you are. This is the address for every missionary:

Elder or Sister WhoeverIAm
P.O. Box 97
Marden, South Australia 5070

-In most areas you will have members feed you nearly every night, but some missionaries are not as fortunate, and you will have to cook for yourself often (including lunches). So learn to cook simple meals, a few staples (grilled cheese, spaghetti, etc.), and be able to improvise.