News Item: This one's for real... April 2004
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Okay, everybody. I have been talking with some various folks from different ABM eras, and there seems to be some interest in getting together for a reunion.
So, we'd like to organize for a "potluck" type affair, the Friday night before April Conference, probably from about 7pm to 10pm or something like that. It will be at a location to be determined, but will most likely be either in Salt Lake or Utah Valley.
I would like to invite those who served under President Harvey, Liddicoat, and Belliston (and whoever else really feels like crashing the ordeal--bring Jello, and you get in!).
Now, I know that there are people out there who are not on this alumni database, but you know how to contact them. So I need a favor from you. Please email me ( or with any contact information that you have on folks from this time period (email, phone number, address). Doesn't matter who. Obviously, email is the easiest contact format, but we're going to try and send out snail mail invites as well.
Let me know if you can't make it, so that I can at least have a good contact for you for future events, and anyone else. Also, if you have any good photos, stories, or something like that, if you can send them to me, I'm going to prepare a slide show, and we can tell fun stories. Plan to bring musical instruments, we'll sing about 10 cent noodles and the like!
Finally, please let me know if you'd be interested in assisting. It won't be a big deal--we'll do potluck, relax, renew old friendships, etc.
Looking forward to seeing anyone who can make it.
Thad. (Elder Barkdull, 91-93)
P.S. I was finally able to get in touch with President Harvey. He is at home with Sister Harvey and Ngawai, doing well. I'm sure that they would love to hear from you. His email is If there are any philanthropists out there, perhaps we could get together a fund to bring the Harveys and the Liddicoats over for a visit!
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