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Elder Randall Kerry Reynolds Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: J Martell Bird (1970 - 1973) | Earl C. Tingey (1973 - 1976) | Served: 1972 - 1974 | Areas Served: Orange,Gladstone,Cairns,Atherton,Wynnum (Brisbane), Holland Park(Brisbane), Gosford, North Shore, Marysville, Canberra | Companions: Scott Leigh Vanatter | Your Occupation: Computer Programmer/Analyst | Spouse: Debi | Comments: Left on my mission from Ashton, ID. Married Debi Smith (convert) from Simi Valley, CA. in IF temple - 1976; Debi - Landscape Architect; Have 4 kids - (d) Mindy -28- married - SL temple, 3 kids - 1 on way - Living in San Antonio, TX - Husband Mike is College Professor at Private Catholic University; (s) Kerry-26-RM from Lima Peru South - Graduated Weber State Univ.- 2005 - Married Michelle Storey from Huntsville UT in July 2005 in Ogden Temple - Both Kerry and Michelle attending Idaho State University - Kerry to become a Physician's Assistant (PA) and Michelle to become a Pharmacist; (d) Jill - 21 - Weber State University - to be married in July 2006; (s) Greg - 19 - Just entered MTC on 01-Feb-2006 for Mission to Belgium Brussels / Netherlands mission. He is learning Dutch. I'm currently serving as 2nd Counselor in Bishopric - Yes everyone, I'm still active. |
Created: 09 Apr 2001 Modified: 03 Feb 2006 |
Last Login: 03 Feb 2006 11:18:31 AM |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."