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Elder Andrew (Anh Thinh) Phillips Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: John Walker (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2001 - 2003 | Areas Served: Cabramatta, Fairfield, Canley Vale, Parramatta, Merrylands, Greystanes, Guildford, Grafton | Companions: Anh Bao Philip Anderson | Anh Khanh Brent Godfrey | Your Occupation: High School Teacher | Comments: After returning home I recommenced my University studies and should graduate early 2004 as a High School Mathematics and Science teacher. After 3 weeks of my return I got back together with my pre-mission girlfriend Lenora, things are looking good. I have been teaching Family History in Sunday School. I love my life at the moment, I have 3 jobs and uni to keep me busy while juggling Lenora, friends and callings. ASNM is the best thing that could have happened to me and will strengthen me forever. Love to the Pres, What a rock you are President Walker. All my comps, you were amazing and I"m sure you still are. **NEW** I just got a job at a high school teaching Science, I'm so excited. The Lord is truly guiding me in the path he has planned for me. ***NEW*** Marrying Lenora on the 3rd July in Brisbane Temple. Pretty excited as you can imagine. Still teaching and working a couple of other jobs on the side. |
Created: 22 Oct 2003 Modified: 13 May 2004 |
Last Login: 13 May 2004 04:29:21 AM |
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