Comments: This information was in The CHURCH NEWS 3 March 1985.Burton S. Tingey, 59, is president of the Salt Lake Mt. Olympus Stake and member of the Holladay 16th Ward. He is a former member of the Melchizedek Priesthood General Committee and served on the then-MelchizedekPriesthood MIA General Board. He has served on the Church Athletic Committee and has been a stake presidents'counselor, bishop, bishops' counselor and elders' quorum president. He also served as a counselor in the AustralianMission presidency. He earned his bachelors' of science degree from Idaho State University and completed additional studies in math andeducation at the University of Utah. He is director of the Risk Management Division of the Church Finance andRecords Department. Formerly he was Church insurance consultant and an insurance executive. A native of Salt LakeCity, he is a son of Clarence H. and Hazel G. Burton Tingey. On March 13, 1950, he married the former BeverleyDavis in the Salt Lake Temple. They are parents of nine children, three of whom will accompany them. Sister Tingey, born in Kemmerer, Wyo., is a daughter of Edward B. and Ardella Ottley Davis. She is a Primaryteacher and has served as a Relief Society board member, Relief Society president and teacher, Young Womenadviser and counselor in a Young Womens' presidency and Sunday School teacher". Contributed by C. Tapue Brown - ASM. Oct 1985 - Oct 1987 |