Elder D. Korey Lowder Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Morris D. Gardner (1983 - 1985) |
Served: 1983 - 1985 |
Language(s) spoken:French |
Areas Served: Epinal (Stencel, Forbush), Boulougne (Holman), Amiens (Slade), Nancy (Tolman), Bruxelles (Beck, Phelps, Taylor, Zang, Long) |
Companions: Brent Forbush | Dan Phelps | John M Slade | John Darrin Taylor |
Your Occupation: Legal Administrator |
Spouse: Nannette |
Comments: We moved to Kaysville Ut in 2005 with my wife and three wonderful kids. My oldest is on a mission (West Virginia-Charleston), set to return in June 2008. My second son is a Senior at Davis High School and set to submit his mission papers in about 6 months. My daughter is a Freshman and growing up way to fast for my own good. I'm way too lucky to have such a great family. I work downtown Salt Lake as a law firm administrator. I'm in a bishopric again (fortunately always the counselor and never the big kahuna); my life outside church is still on hold...
It is great to renew contact with everyone!
Korey |
Created: 25 May 2005 Modified: 04 Feb 2008 |
Last Login: 20 Mar 2008 09:08:11 AM |