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Elder John Daniel Guernsey

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Arlen Dean Woffinden (1997 - 2000) | Paulo Roberto Toffanelli (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Sao Lourenco, Pedro Leopoldo, Venda Nova, Janauba, Barroca
Brent M Dalby | Álisson Décio Fernandes | Marcos Assunção Silva | Christopher Alan Skabelund | Robert Scott Williams
Your Occupation: student at KU--Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!
Spouse: Elizabeth
Hey guys!! I am still alive...if you don't remeber me just remember that I was the only elder from the Great Plain(s) state of Kansas. I just found this site and I think its great. Being so far off I have lost contact with everyone. Well, I just got married to my wife Elizabeth. Things are going great even though she has already left me...for a month. She is finishing pharm. school and is doing rotations so yeah, that kind of stinks. I am in the business school here at KU and I should be done with a masters in 2005. That sounds so far away. I miss you all so please e-mail me! oh, I finally saw my first tornado in KS after 18 years. It was 30 ft away and I almost died. I was on splits too. Crazy! Tchauzao
Created: 11 Jul 2003  Modified: 02 Feb 2004
Last Login: 30 Aug 2004 11:17:43 PM

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