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Elder Walter Hugo (e Silva) Nadolny

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Email Not Available
Arlen Dean Woffinden (1997 - 2000) | Paulo Roberto Toffanelli (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Betim, Contagem, Sete Lagoas, Campo Belo, Staff (Gutierrez - Caiçara (sec. fin.)) Pedro Leopoldo, Lagoa
Adriano Figueiredo Amores | Brock T. Ellis | Aaron Michael Humphreys | Tales Sá Maia | Bradford Smith
Your Occupation: DJ
Spouse: Eliane Rau e Silva
Dae galera, nem sabia desse site, mas agora estou aqui!!!!
Já Já, estará disponível minha foto!!!

Created: 16 Jun 2004  Modified: 16 Jun 2004
Last Login: 05 Jul 2004 05:17:10 AM

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