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Elder Travis Schoenwald

1111 Monroe St.
Wenatchee, Washington 98801

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Expedicto J Saraiva (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Language(s) spoken:Portuguese
Areas Served:
Lavras, Pampulha, Contagem, Janauba
Fernando Correa Cruz | Joseph James Durand Doria | Jucinaldo dos Santos Duarte | Henrique Fernandes Freitas | Dustin Hancock
Your Occupation: Orchard Pest management
Spouse: Megan Schoenwald
I am actually in brazil right now trying to reactivate people I baptized. It is a little bit of a sad thing to see how many have fallen away. I would reccommend that you all try to make or keep in contact with those you have baptized to help them stay strong. I have three kids, two boys 5 and 3 and a little girl who is 18 months. Number 4 is expected to arrive in march.
Ja estou casado faz 8 anos e tenho 3 filhos e numero 4 esta chegando aqui em marco. Meu filhos de 5 e 3 anos sao chamados de Ethan e Parker e minha filha de 18 meses e chamada de Paige. Fiquem firme!
Created: 17 Sep 2005  Modified: 17 Sep 2005
Last Login: 17 Sep 2005 06:12:36 PM

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