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Elder Joseph James Durand Doria

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Expedicto J Saraiva (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Areas Served:
Lavras, Pedro Leopoldo, Tres Coracoes, Escritorio, Patos de Minas
Heath Alan Hill | Alexander F. Kennedy | Craig Roger Lasson | Chad Ramsey | Travis Schoenwald
Your Occupation: Welfare Department of the Church
Spouse: Valdete Silva Doria
I am still writing screenplays, but for the moment, I'm working for the church as a welfare specialist in the Northeast Area. My wife Val (from Sao Paulo) and I have two children, Emily and Andrew. I'm currently serving as bishop of our ward, in the Brooklyn New York Stake. I love all of you and welcome any contacts.
Created: 17 Jan 2002  Modified: 17 Jan 2002
Last Login: 17 Jan 2002 08:38:46 PM

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