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From Jun 02 to 07, 2012 Maceio Mission Meeting in Maceio City (Presidents Lopes and Tobias)
Share your opinion about the event and help us organize a perfect meeting for you! (Survey from 2 to 9 minutes)
English Version
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De 07 a 10 de Junho de 2012, Encontro da Missão Maceió na cidade de Maceió. (Presidentes Lopes e Tobias)
Compartilhe sua opinião sobre o evento e ajude-nos a organizar um encontro perfeito para você (Pesquisa entre 2 e 9 minutos)
Versão em Português:
Cadê o Ralphinho? Alguém sabe como contatar o Elder Ralph (Ralph Turner) de 94-96?
Anyone know contact info for Elder Ipolito?
Anyone know contact info for Elder Ipolito?
E aí pessoal do meu distrito no CTM,gostaria de ter contato com vcs élderes e sisteres,muita coisa aconteceu nestes quase 05 meses que retornei,quero ter noticia de vcs tbm,ok?
até mais............
Hi, My name is Rosa Calheiros, i'm member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints,and i'm looking for Elder Marcus Paul Weenig,that server in mission maceio in 1998,please send me any information about him,your e-mail or adress...i need to talk him!!!
waiting for news...
Oi,meu nome é Rosa Calheiros,sou SUD e estou procurando pelo elder que batizou a mim e minha familia seu nome é Marcus Paul Weenig,serviu em Maceió em 1998,por favor alguem que souber noticias dele,me mande e-mail,telefone ou endereço...
no aguardo
Alguém notícias do E. Aaron Rose e do E. Christopher Powell ?
Mandem email deles por favor.
Reunião da Missão Brasil Maceió
Com a presença especial do
Presidente Edson Lopes
22 de Setembro ( sábado)
16:00 hrs
Sede da ala Coperhill 3rd Ward
6755 W 3800 S
( Siga 3500 S até chegar em 6400 W e vire a esquerda siga até a próxima esquina 3785 S e entre à direita siga em frente até a capela que ficará no lado esquerdo da rua)
Se você serviu em Alagoas ou se você é de lá, venha com sua família reencontrar seus amigos ou missionários que por lá estiveram.
O ex presidente da Missão Brasil Maceió; Edson Lopes estará conosco vindo diretamente do Brasil.
Gostaríamos de pedir como colaboração para o nosso evento, um prato de frutas, ou vegetais, bolachas, queijos, sandwiches, etc ( qualquer FINGER FOOD).
Teremos música alagoana, slide-show, fotos e muitas outras coisas para nos lembrar desse PARAÍSO DAS ÁGUAS.
Ajude-nos a divulgar o evento passando adiante esta mensagem e também convidando todos aqueles que você conhece que serviu ou faz parte da Missão Brasil Maceió e mora em Utah.
RSVP/ Informações : LeDuc’s
@ (801) 349-3657 Casa/913-3362 Cellular
Simone Monteiro!!!
Recibe sua email mas quando eu tentar escrever a te, eu nunca consegui. Nao se por que. Que triste. Por favor. manda sue numero de fone.
Abracoes e saudades at o po!
Sister Sego (Stacy Crane)
Any one have an email address for Warren Hull?
You can email it to me at
Sam Hickcox's email:
Last I knew Sam Hickcox's cell number was 801-361-5811, but he's moved to Cali since so it might've changed. His email is:
I'm looking for Elder Hickcox's and Elder Sheppard's address/contact info does anyone have it? Hickcox was 2000-2002 and sheppard was 2003-2005.
Alguem tem o endereco de Elder Hickcox ou Elder Sheppard?
Alguem tem o enderco ou telefone do Presidente Moreira???
Por favor, me manda @
Ola pessoal td bem com vcs??
Fui Elder Nunes no péríodo de 2000 a 2002, gostaria de ter contatos com meus companheiros e amigos que fiz na missão, manden.. msn..e-mail sinal de fumaça etc..
Ate mais abraços a todos...
Ola pessoal fui (Elder Nunes) no periodo de 2000 a 2002, quero ter contatos com emus companheiros e amigos que fiz la tbm..mande msn e-mail ..sinal de fumaça etc..
abraços a todos..
quem tm orkut entra ai na comunidade da missão
Does anyone have President Tobias's address?
Quem tem o endereco de Presidente Tobias?
Does anyone have President Tobias's address?
Quem tem o endereco de Presidente Tobias?
Quero manter contato com meus amigos.
Elder Carlos
Estamos esperando mais um filho, pessoal. Que alegria imensa em receber os preciosos espíritos do Pai Celestial dentro de nosso lar.
Se for homem seu nome será Morian. Se for Mulher, Rebeca.
Odair Viana / Elder Viana
Estou procurando o Dragao Verde, para que a minha namorada possa aprender um pouco de portugues. A gente vai se casar provavelmente em Agosto deste ano e talvez vamos ao Brasil por nosso "Honeymoon"! Se alguem puder me ajudar, seria muito agradavel!
Um Abracao Para Todos,
Ryan S. Lindsay
(Elder Lindsay, 1999-2001)
Olá meus amigos e ex-companheiros! Sou o ex-Elder Andrade.Servi na missão Maceió em 2000 a 2002.Espero entrar em contato com todos vocês e saber como estão.
Não esquecí de vocês e tenho saudades.
Um grande abraço !!
The following comment has been submitted by Tadeu (Elder Rego)
Olá, eu também fui chamado para a missão Brasil Maceio, vou entrar no
CTM dia 29 de Setembro...
Gostaria de saber algo a respeito do pres...
bom, primeiro eu gostaria de saber o email dele e quando
termina a missão dele??
Tadeu Pessoa
(Elder Rego)
The following comment has been submitted by Tadeu (Elder Rego)
Olá, eu também fui chamado para a missão Brasil Maceio, vou entrar no
CTM dia 29 de Setembro...
Gostaria de saber algo a respeito do pres...
bom, primeiro eu gostaria de saber o email dele e quando
termina a missão dele??
Tadeu Pessoa
(Elder Rego)
It seems this site has been accused of being dead. I suppose that is true since the last entry was back in 2002? if i'm correct. Anyhow, Elder Goold is straight crazy, in a good way. I lived with him in Socco in that house that got robbed who knows how many times. We got transferred right before the house got hit big time and they took EVEYTHING. Those were some good days. Any alumni out in the Northeast parts?
It seems this site has been accused of being dead. I suppose that is true since the last entry was back in 2002? if i'm correct. Anyhow, Elder Goold is straight crazy, in a good way. I lived with him in Socco in that house that got robbed who knows how many times. We got transferred right before the house got hit big time and they took EVEYTHING. Those were some good days. Any alumni out in the Northeast parts?
Does anyone have the address for Presidents Fisher and Moreira? Please email me if you do.
Brandon Stewart
This message was submitted to us by:
Josh Paulsen
Kingsbury Hall
1395 E. Presidents Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0040
L1. 801-585-1556
Fax. 801-585-5464
My name is Josh Paulsen and I am the Marketing Director for Kingsbury Hall at the University of Utah. We have some events approaching that I think will be of interest to past missionaries of Brazil. I was on the site that you maintained and thought this would make great news for your message board. The national touring company, DanceBrazil, will perform at Kingsbury Hall February 25. DanceBrazil features some of the best Capoeira dancers in the world and live traditional music. I have included some
information about the performance below.
In conjunction with the stage production, we are showing a Portuguese film entitled Ginga about five Capoeristas and their journey from Brazil to the Joyce Theatre in New York City. This film is open to the public and free of
charge. The details of the film screening are also contained below. The film has English subtitles.
Finally, be sure to tell all of your mission buddies that if they have a nametag from a Portuguese speaking mission to wear it to the
performance. We will be handing out free Gaurana (a Brazilian drink) to everyone
that is wearing one. All patrons will also receive a voucher for a free Capoeria
lesson with Brazilian Capoeria!
Please call me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of these items further.
February 25, 2005
Time: 7:30 PM
Regular Ticket Prices: $25, $30, $35
How to purchase: 581-7100, or at Rodizio Grill in
Trolley Square
About the DanceBrazil performance at Kingsbury Hall
Is it fighting or is it dance? That’s what the 16th century creators of this art form hoped you would ask. DanceBrazil will perform Capoeira at Kingsbury Hall February 25. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian dance style
that combines martial arts with dance movements. Capoeira has its roots in
the 16th century slave cultures of the Portuguese colony, Angola. Forbidden
to learn formal combat, the dancers disguised fighting practice with traditional African dances. Accompanied by live music, DanceBrazil creates a culturally rich and entertaining evening. The Brazilian Muse
commented. You could feel the symbolic importance of these human connections,
and how the legacy of slavery was a legacy of survival through connection, interaction, and support.
What: Ginga, a documentary about DanceBrazil and Capoeira
Directed by Gustavo Moraes, Portuguese film with English subtitles
When: February 22, 2005
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Where: Utah Museum of Fine Arts
How: Free and open to the public
Kingsbury Hall in conjunction with the Salt Lake Film Center and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts will host a free screening of the film Ginga, a documentary about Capoeira dancers and their journey from Brazil to perform
with a professional company in New York City. Capoeira has its roots in the 16th century slave cultures of the Portuguese colony, Angola. Forbidden to learn formal combat, the dancers disguised fighting practice with
traditional African dances. The timing of this event coincides with the University of Utah’s Black History month activities. The screening will take place at 1:00 PM on February 22 at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts,
located at 410 Campus Center Drive on the University of Utah Campus. The screening is free of charge and lasts about 1 hour. Kingsbury Hall will host a drawing at the screening for a prize package that includes
premium tickets to DanceBrazil and dinner for two at Rodizio Grill, the Brazilian
Steakhouse located at Trolley Square.
About the film: Through the years, many of DanceBrazils company members have come from the ranks of Jelon Vieiras community-based capoeira program in Boca do Rio, Brazil. Ginga is a documentary about five of these
young adults who were selected to come to the United States and perform with DanceBrazil. In the film, Director Gustavo Moraes follows these engaging performers from rehearsals in Brazil to the Joyce Theater in New York City, and then catches up with them two years later. Moraes wonderfully captures their desire to become accomplished performers and capoeiristas, their dreams of coming to America, their expectations,
anxieties, frustrations, and tenacity and their absolute thrill of finally being onstage.
This message was submitted to us by:
Josh Paulsen
Kingsbury Hall
1395 E. Presidents Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0040
L1. 801-585-1556
Fax. 801-585-5464
My name is Josh Paulsen and I am the Marketing Director for Kingsbury Hall at the University of Utah. We have some events approaching that I think will be of interest to past missionaries of Brazil. I was on the site that you maintained and thought this would make great news for your message board. The national touring company, DanceBrazil, will perform at Kingsbury Hall February 25. DanceBrazil features some of the best Capoeira dancers in the world and live traditional music. I have included some
information about the performance below.
In conjunction with the stage production, we are showing a Portuguese film entitled Ginga about five Capoeristas and their journey from Brazil to the Joyce Theatre in New York City. This film is open to the public and free of
charge. The details of the film screening are also contained below. The film has English subtitles.
Finally, be sure to tell all of your mission buddies that if they have a nametag from a Portuguese speaking mission to wear it to the
performance. We will be handing out free Gaurana (a Brazilian drink) to everyone
that is wearing one. All patrons will also receive a voucher for a free Capoeria
lesson with Brazilian Capoeria!
Please call me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of these items further.
February 25, 2005
Time: 7:30 PM
Regular Ticket Prices: $25, $30, $35
How to purchase: 581-7100, or at Rodizio Grill in
Trolley Square
About the DanceBrazil performance at Kingsbury Hall
Is it fighting or is it dance? That’s what the 16th century creators of this art form hoped you would ask. DanceBrazil will perform Capoeira at Kingsbury Hall February 25. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian dance style
that combines martial arts with dance movements. Capoeira has its roots in
the 16th century slave cultures of the Portuguese colony, Angola. Forbidden
to learn formal combat, the dancers disguised fighting practice with traditional African dances. Accompanied by live music, DanceBrazil creates a culturally rich and entertaining evening. The Brazilian Muse
commented. You could feel the symbolic importance of these human connections,
and how the legacy of slavery was a legacy of survival through connection, interaction, and support.
What: Ginga, a documentary about DanceBrazil and Capoeira
Directed by Gustavo Moraes, Portuguese film with English subtitles
When: February 22, 2005
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Where: Utah Museum of Fine Arts
How: Free and open to the public
Kingsbury Hall in conjunction with the Salt Lake Film Center and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts will host a free screening of the film Ginga, a documentary about Capoeira dancers and their journey from Brazil to perform
with a professional company in New York City. Capoeira has its roots in the 16th century slave cultures of the Portuguese colony, Angola. Forbidden to learn formal combat, the dancers disguised fighting practice with
traditional African dances. The timing of this event coincides with the University of Utah’s Black History month activities. The screening will take place at 1:00 PM on February 22 at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts,
located at 410 Campus Center Drive on the University of Utah Campus. The screening is free of charge and lasts about 1 hour. Kingsbury Hall will host a drawing at the screening for a prize package that includes
premium tickets to DanceBrazil and dinner for two at Rodizio Grill, the Brazilian
Steakhouse located at Trolley Square.
About the film: Through the years, many of DanceBrazils company members have come from the ranks of Jelon Vieiras community-based capoeira program in Boca do Rio, Brazil. Ginga is a documentary about five of these
young adults who were selected to come to the United States and perform with DanceBrazil. In the film, Director Gustavo Moraes follows these engaging performers from rehearsals in Brazil to the Joyce Theater in New York City, and then catches up with them two years later. Moraes wonderfully captures their desire to become accomplished performers and capoeiristas, their dreams of coming to America, their expectations,
anxieties, frustrations, and tenacity and their absolute thrill of finally being onstage.
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