Sister September Keyes (Schulthies) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: José Olímpio Fabrício (1996 - 1999) |
Served: 1997 - 1998 |
Language(s) spoken:English, Portuguese, French |
Areas Served: São Jose do Rio Preto, Matão, São Carlos, Uberlandia, Franca |
Companions: Emily Lynn Bell | Juliana Carvalho Dias (Leal Carvalho) | Renae Alyse Marks (Christensen) | Danielle Karin Nascimento (Nascimento) |
Your Occupation: mom |
Spouse: Jeffrey |
Comments: Hi Everyone,
It's been 10 YEARS since I served with you all. CRAAAAZZZZY. Just thought I'd see how everyone is doing. Renae (Sister Christensen) and I are still hanging out after being MTC companions in the MTC. She and I are at my place with our 2 year olds sleeping upstairs. We are going to a churrascaria here in DC sometime this week and making rice and beans. Yum. Hope everyone is well.
September (Sister Schulthies)
Ola tudo mundo,
Tudo bem? Ja faz 10 anos que servi na missao e queria ver como vem as coisas. Eu casei faz 5 anos e tenho uma filha belissima de 2 anos. Moro perto de Washington DC faz 6 anos e me formei da faculdade no sujeito de portogues em 2001. (na da para ver agora, faz muito tempo que fiz algo em portugues). Espero que tudo va bem para todos:) Boas festas e tudo de bom.
september (sister schulthies) |
Created: 10 Jun 2007 Modified: 17 Jun 2007 |
Last Login: 17 Jun 2007 05:58:31 AM |