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Elder James Moleni Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert Madsen (1991 - 1993) | Served: 1991 - 1993 | Areas Served: Lafeyette?, Oakland, San Mateo | Companions: Mitch Migliori | Your Occupation: Professional Student | Spouse: Moana | Comments: Good to see people are alive and well. Mig you Berkenstock (however you spell it) Palangi... good to hear from you. Life has been good overall, as The Big Boss in Heaven does truly care for his servants, even when we may not deserve it, so it seems sometimes. I am blessed with my beautiful family- my wife & 2 kids(boy & girl). I am grateful to those I served with (Elders: Glenn, Sapoi, Mounga, Crismon, Migliori, WalterGregs, and Da kine from Maui-Tupou, Tofa, and 'O'/Vaha) and the rest of you, and for the faithful members and their sacrifices, and thankful for your patience with me. |
Created: 02 Sep 2004 Modified: 20 Dec 2004 |
Last Login: 20 Dec 2004 01:45:15 AM |
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