My brother Mark Forester, who served in the Oakland mission 2000-2002, will be honored at the Memorial Day Event in Manteca, CA on May 27, 2012. If anyone is in the area who knew him, it would be great to meet you. Our parents will be there as well as me. It should be a great event, not only honoring Mark, but all our heroes.
I still would like to meet anyone he taught and/or baptized.
My step-son Elder Robert S. Blandon is currently serving in the California Oakland / San Francisco Mission. While he is serving there, it would be cool if he could find out what happened to the 8 families who joined the church which resulted from 12 Book of Mormons we passed out to the Episcopalian Congregation at Clayton Valley (Concord Area )Road, Clayton Valley CA.
Elder Kent Thompson was serving with me at the time. Does anyone have any information as to where Kent Thompson is living today? He would have a few more details than I. If anyone has a lead which could help Elder Blandon and I, we would appreciate it.
"Elder" Russell Ricks 1977-1979
I am trying to locate Sisters Judy Drorbaugh and/or Sister Cindy Earle, both of whom served in the California Central Mission circa 1974-1976. They were companions for a time in the Modesto area. I had the immense privilege of serving as District/Zone Leader during their tenure. Do not know their married names. I came across some interesting information about one of their former investigators/converts, which I thought they would find very interesting. If anybody knows how to get in touch with either of them, please ask them to get in touch with me:
Hey All,
I'm looking for Elder Spencer Young. He served under Presidents Peterson and Jenson from July 1987 to Aug 1989.
I tried facebook, but guess what, "Spencer Young" is a fairly common name.
Dear Returned Missionaries,
This email is to inform you of a new facebook group:
LDS California Central Mission (Oakland) '65-'74
Please feel welcome to visit the site, contribute and tell any others you feel may have an interest, especially old mission companions!
Thank you,
Randolph Hess (served '72-'74)
I served in both the Oakland and San Jose Missions from 1977-1979. Someone had written a poem called "Numbers". If anyone has a copy of it I would be grateful. You can email me at
Thank you,
Those who served anytime around 1988, one of the couple missionaries were Elder and Sister Keller. She passed away this last week. Here is the link:
OK people- I need your help. Does anyone know where the following is?
Sister Jennifer Lynn JACKSON
Let me know by sending email:
Many thanks
Do any of you have any updates or information of our mission presidents (President Gordon Crandall and President Dale Russon)?
Rob Sutton (1973 – 1975)
hey people- ever hear about FACEBOOK? Make a profile add me- it is so much easier to stay in touch.
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