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Elder Alfred J. Fleming Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Wilbur Cox (1968 - 1971) | Gordon Crandall (1971 - 1974) | Served: 1970 - 1972 | Areas Served: San Leandro, Stockton, Pacifica, South San Francisco, Sunnyvale, San Francisco | Companions: Alma Saline | Your Occupation: Machinist | Spouse: Lois | Comments: Hi! Im very thirsty for information from any I served with in any way. I lost most of my paraphernalia soon after I returned home. Happily married, seven children, always active, now in bishopric, probably haven't changed all that much, grateful for my companions, leaders, and all memories from my mission. Weren't those Californians the best? |
Created: 01 Apr 2002 Modified: 02 May 2008 |
Last Login: 02 May 2008 05:54:10 PM |
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