The CSBM Alumni site and needs your help!
As you may be aware, our Mission web site as well as its parent database and host, has been a wonderful service to all of us who have taken advantage of it. All time for creation and maintenance have been on a completely volunteer basis. To this date, the hosting and bandwidth needs have been met by a generous Salt Lake based company. This has allowed us to continue ad free with little expense.
Unfortunately this hosting and bandwidth donation has come to an end, thus requiring us to find a new home for the server and internet connection. This will come at great cost and affect all hosted mission websites from around the world. We have until the end of the month to find a new home or turn the server off.
As the webmaster for the CSBM, I am hesitant, but feel the need to ask for help and donations from all of you who have enjoyed and appreciate the value our mission alumni site has given. The programming team has set up a PayPal link for donations on the home page. You can visit it at the Donation link On this page you will have to scroll down a bit to see the information. If we receive the money required to move and maintain the server with our own host connection, and over 335 worldwide mission websites will stay live and active.
Originally is looking for around $2000 for initial costs (from all missions combined). On an ongoing basis, each mission will cost between $3.50-$10.00 (depending on the number of actively maintained mission sites) per month to maintain. At this point, every dollar counts.
I understand that this is an expensive time of year for all of us. But with a little initial generosity for the move and setup, should be able to operate on just a few dollars per month per mission. As an Alumnus, thank you for your support in this wonderful cause.
Chris Hardy
CSBM Webmaster & Systems Admininstrator