News Item: Spansen rivals Banz
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Sunday AM, 22 February 2004. The lives of ex-Elders Adam "Lancasty" Lancaster and Brett "Stiffy" Stifflemire were abruptly altered this morning when their residence met an odious fate at the hands (well... not really hands) of Dave "Spansen" Hansen. The said Spansen felt the full reciprocation of his mocking derision of Matt "Batman" Banz. Of what doth I speak? I refer to the jeering that accompanied Banz's daily clogging of the toilets (yes more than one) in Calexico. Well, Banz may now rejoice in taunting his former taunter. The verity of the scripture "Fools mock but they shall morn" was impressed upon Spansen this morning as he cleaned the bathroom of the aforementioned Lancaster and Stiffy. Again, the importance of learning from history is reinforced in our lives. Just as the "Unsinkable" Titanic sank, the "Uncloggable" Spansen clogged. Pride truly goeth before the fall. May we all learn from this experience as we continue our progression in light and truth.
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