Comments: School is over!!! Now I have to work on my thesis to get my bachelor´s degree in Marine Sciences. I am aheading to my speciality in "Marine Invertebrates Pathology".
I a m g e t t i n g m a r r i e d !!!
Yes, I´ll be with my dear Pamela in the Lord´s temple of San Diego, CA to be sealed for time and eternity on march 21st, 2007. For all those who would like to know about us, the blogspot at is available now.
A todos los hispanohablantes, me caso!!! Vengan al bodorrio los que puedan y aqui nos vemos en la fiesta y demas... gracias...
My comp's: Elder Clarke (My dad), Jencks (Step dad), Barco, Lundgren, Moss, Campbell, Brown, Forsman (My son), Morales, Purcell, Hall , Stimpson, Noyce |