my english is so so (two - three)
hey are as good as well I hope that I found this site JAA JAA good just to inform them that soon they come here that I play the San Fernando Mission in California in spanish good Caere them exactly the Mar. 3, 2009 Beware ...... .....
My Son just recieved his call to the San Fernando Mission, Spanish speaking. He will be reporting to the MTC on Oct. 29, 2008. We would love some information about the mission, and an idea of what he really needs to have and what he doesn't need to have while he is there.
you can email me directly if you choose at
what's up ya'll. i'm shoutin out to see if anyone who knows me is livin in AZ. i'm gonna be having a house warming party sometime late this month or early next month. if you wanna catch up and chill holla at ya boy. we're doin big things right now in the AZ, heatin it up before the summer gets here
Hey I am looking to move to SLC, so aif anyone has some leads on gainful employment out there I am all ears! Thanx!
Hey Everybody,
Just want to let everybody know what is going on. We moved to Virginia where I am in Grad School. Cooper is now 19 months old. Steph is doing okay. We are trying to adjust to the humidity out here.
Josh Cammack
in Palmdale, retrun missionary living in Palmdale now - email me! Spanish speaking
I am in search of a couple of members that were a part of Van Nuys. I would like any information on Manuel Urbina(the greatest Ward Mission Leader ever) and Teresa Castaneda ( a great Hermana). Please let me know if you have any information.
Back in the early 90s, the great San Fernando Valley became part of the Arcadia mission. In Chatsworth lived the Garrick family. Some of you spent many a P-day at our home, where you got a free haircut and played basketball in our backyard. A few of you enjoyed MTV and Nintendo, much to the chagrin of President Garrick. But mostly, you partook of my mom's famous freshly-made chocolate chip cookies. Oh what you would do for one of Sister Gs' cookies right now! Am I right?
So my question is: If they were available, say $10+s&h for a baker's dozen or $25 for 3 dozen, in a nice festive tin, would you buy? They would be authentic Sister G cookies, baked by her or her daughter (many of you may have flirted with her, much to the chagrin of President Garrick) who has mastered the art of baking those chocolatey morsels.
If there is enough interest, I could probably talk my mom into doing this. Tell your friends.
Hi all! This is Pizzity's wife - Tom is turning 30 - can you believe it?! I thought I would let you know that I am throwing him a birthday bash on the 16th of September (from 4-8pm), and thought that having some of you who served with him there would blow his mind. There will be good food and cake and fun. E-mail me at to let me know if you are interested in coming - we are in Sandy, UT. ~Nicole <3
Hey everyone
We are having a reunion at the Bennetts home on Friday Sept 29. Please everyone come. It will be fun to see all of you. Best of all to see the Bennetts. Please if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 801-836-9386 or my email So please come!!!!!! Also spread the word if you see anyone from the mission so we can have a full house. See you all soon. Take care.
I got the chance to talk to sis pearson the other day and she told me about Bro. Don pearson's passing. He died of cancer.
I just wanted to let all the missionarys who had the oppertunity to know him and this wonderful family know. If you have a chance please give her a call . She asked if i had heard from anyone. but I havent. I hope you are doing well and taking care. Love You All
Jeremy Hollander
Her # is 760-446-4811
I am coming to Utah the middle of July and want to let anyone that served with us there that we want to get together one day. Any questions email me at
Aloha everyone? Como estan? Just wanted to let u all know that I am getting married this Saturday (June 24 2006) to Tol Koim from Cambodia in the Provo Temple. I hope all of u are doing well...have a good week!
My beloved brethren(and sisteren)!
Can't beleieve it took me so long to find this site. Well, actually my wife googled my name and Lively's message with my name popped up. Good to see a lot of familiar names on here, but hopefully we'll get them all eventually!
My Procreation count is as follows:
Masai Denise - 3yrs old
Asa Aaron - 1 yr old
Hannah and I were married in the St. Louis Temple, and currently live in Southern Illinois.
Feel free to e-mail or otherwise contact me(especially you, Son). Sorry it took me so long to resurface....
A.K.A.-The Goodbar formerly know as Elder.
Hey does anybody know if there is going to be a reunion for Pres. and Sis. Bennett?
Josh Cammack
Hey Everyone,
Sorry it took me so long to post this, but Cooper Kameaho'okoho'ia Cammack was born on February 15th. He is super cute and pictures should be coming soon.
Josh and Stephanie
My wife and I had a baby boy Feb 1st. So now I got me a little girl who's now 2 1/2 and my little boy who's just day's old. He's healthy as his hillbilly daddy. So I reckon that's good! I'm livin here in UT now so folks write me up or give me a ring on the telephone.
Talk at ya later,
Cowboy Mitchell
Just checking in on everyone from the mission. hey everyone check in here. I also wanted to know if anyone knows how to get in touch with Mark Svensen. Got to run wife says i have to go to bed . Love yall and keep in touch. Elder Dogg out!!! 256-783-4869
I got called about a month ago to this mission (spanish-speaking). I just wanted to get some pointers about the area--the people, the weather, areas to see on P days, and general tips for preparation.
Dan Steger
If there is anyone who served from 1994-1997 please contact me. I would be happy to chat.
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