The California San Jose Mission was created July 1, 1978, by dividing Oakland and Fresno Missions. Lysle R. Cahoon was the first president of the mission. It is approximately 175 miles long and 50 miles wide. There are now 13 stakes with the mission boundaries.
Effective September 7, 1991, another boundary change gave the San Jose Mission the areas of Hayward and Fremont; and San Francisco was transferred to the Oakland Mission.
The California Mission was organized July 31, 1846, with Samuel Brannon as president. When gold was discovered in the area in 1848, people came by the thousands to seek their fortunes. Partly because of this, the mission was closed in 1858 and not reopened until 1892, with John L. Dalton as president. Later, President Robinson (1901-1919) established the mission home at 939 Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco. The 1906 earthquake prompted the brethren to move mission headquarters to Los Angeles. In 1941 the mission was divided and the Northern California Mission came into being, with German E. Ellsworth as president. Today there are 12 missions in the state of California.
Historical items of interest: The city of San Jose began when Lieutenant Jose de Moranga and the De Anza expedition settled on the banks of the Guadalupe River to raise crops and cattle to feed soldiers encamped at the presidios of Monterey and San Fransisco. He named the site El Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, after the city's patron saint Joseph. San Jose became California's first civil city November 29, 1777. With California obtaining statehood in 1848, and the lure of gold nearby, Monterey was chosen as California's first state capitol in 1849. San Jose has now grown to cover over 150 miles of the Santa Clara Valley, with a population of over 765,000.
French prunes were introduced into Santa Clara Valley in 1856, and soon the area became known as "the prune capital of the world." It was also called the "city of sunshine, fruit, and flowers."
After World War II, San Jose developed rapidly as an industrial and technological center. Santa Clara Valley has become known as "Silicon Valley," due to the large concentration of electronics industry there.
San Jose enjoys a very mild climate. Average maximum temperature for January is 57.6; April 69.0; July 81.1; October 74.1. Humidity varies from 66% in January to 54% in July. Average annual rainfall is 13.11 inches, falling mostly between November and March