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President Karl T. Homer (Deceased)

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Served: 1984 - 1987
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President Karl T. Homer passed away December 9th, 1996. He served as the President of the San Jose Mission from 1984 to 1987. This page is dedicated to your memory of him. Email any comments or memories that you would like to share about President Homer to and I will include them in this page.
Date : November 23, 1999
From : Phill Schwalger

President Homer was a Father figure to me. He typified discipline and integrity. I was so in awe of him that I found it hard to be in his presence let alone have a conversation with him. One experience I had was when President and Sister Homer had already finished their missions and it was time for us to go to the temple in preparation for leaving our mission. To my great surprise President Homer was there to greet us. I wept for joy to see the man who as a servant of God had guided me throughout my mission. We hugged and later shared a special moment of reflection and anticipation for the future.

Another vivid memory I have was in the groves in the Santa Cruz mountains where the mission meet together for our last gathering with President and Sister Homer. I remember us sitting in the grove with President Homer and his counsellors dressed in white, they gave us the sacrament and the spirit was strong. As President Homer talked of Jesus Christ, his war experiences and Joseph Smith I was blown away by the intensity of the spirit it was awesome(I still have the tapes). I always felt love from President and Sister Homer and at times the tuff love helped me most. To a great man who remained true to the faith.

God Bless
Phill Schwalger

Date : May 18, 1997
From : Amelia Hopkin (grandaughter)

My name is Amelia Hopkin, and I am Pres. Homer's Grandaughter. Thank you for putting together this page of memories, it means a lot to our families. My Grandmother (Nana) is doing fine, and getting out and around more than any of the rest of us. Our family has truly been blessed by their examples. They both have done a wonderful job of being parents and Grandparents. They raised six children in the church, attended six temple marriages, attended mission farwells of two grandchildren, and by the end of the year, Nana will have attended two more, and one homecomming.

Thank you for this web page. It is wonderfull to hear what those who have associated with him learned and remember. You see, I lived to far away and was to young when they returned to fully comprehend his teachings and example. It was only the last two years while I was attending Ricks that I was able to get to know my Granfather and learn more about Christ through him. I am leaving on a mission soon, and these are the only written ideas that I have of him and "how to be an effective missionary". I would often visit them in Idaho Falls for a little TLC and it will not come as any suprise that I also went through 2 or 3 hour long interviews. He refered to them as teaching moments, and what teaching moments they were. I never went back to my apartment in Rexburg without a pile of photo-coppied literature, a stack of food and a head full of information that took me a good week to sort out. He encouraged all of his Grandchildren to pray about going on a mission, and if they did, they were handed a huge 3 ring binder stuffed to the hilt with letters, talks, notes and suggestions to being a sucessful missionary, and I don't know what else. This was given to them after a LONG talk and I know those will be some of the most cherrished moments in our lives.

Thank you again, and please tell the others thank you as well.

Sincerely, Amelia Hopkin
Date : April 12, 1997
From : Joshua A Stephens

I was sadden to find that such a good man had passed from us. At the time I was on my mission I did not heed his advice as often as I should but when I returned home I found his words both useful and up lifting. I would find myself quoting some of what he had "shared" with me in both the church and business. In brief conversations that we have had over the years he always showed his love and interest of how my life and the life of my family progressed. His teachings are touching the lives of not only my wife and my children but also others with whom I have had a chance to share the gospel. His greatest affect that he has had was the example of how he treated his wife, Sister Homer. He loved her dearly, and I try to emulate his example in my own marriage. I look foward to the day that I may serve with him again.

Joshua A Stephens (1985-1987)
Date : March 14, 1997
From : Michael G. Davis

I too would like to express my appreciation to the Homers. I was serving in the California, San Jose Mission (9 months) when President and Sister Homer arrived in the mission. I was very impressed with the way Pres. Homer lead by example. As I was able to meet with him in many leadership interviews, I was taught by one of the Lords best. I will never forget the quote he had on his desk, "Whatsoever thing a mans mind can conceive and believe man can acheive". Who remembers the little yellow pamphet titled "The Common Denominator of Success"? I would like to find a copy. The answer to the question if you can't remember is; doing the little thing that others don't like to do. Pres. Homer was always teaching and molding and groming whoever he was around. He made an eternal impression on me. I have tried to continue his great legacy as I serve others. I value my memories of him and his wonderful wife. My life has been effected by their service.

Michael G. Davis (1983 - 1985)
Date : January 1st, 1997
From : David Carlson

I like others was saddened to hear of President Homer's death. I have many fond memories and lessons learned from him. His work ethic set a standard for all the missionaries to follow. I had been serving about a year when he was called to preside over the mission (as he called it the California San Jose Mission, the Greatest Mission on Earth). When he first arrived in the mission he interviewed every missionary (some of these interviews went on for hours) to get a pulse of the mission. When he was interviewing you he would make you feel as if you were the only two people on earth, if you needed to talk with him he would make time for you. He had the ability to help you sense your potential and instill in you the desire to reach it. He showed by example how you should treat your spouse, he always treated Sister Homer with the utmost respect. I contacted him after I was called to serve as a Bishop, he took the time to send me about a 20 page typed letter giving me counsel based on his experiences. Outside of my family, he has influenced my life for good more so than anyone else. I am quite confident that the Lord's greeting to him was, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." I pray the Lord's blessings on Sister Homer and the rest of the family and express my gratitude for their willingness to share his time with others.
Date : December 26th, 1996
From : Matthew Candland

I was very sorry to hear the news of President Homer's passing. I had the unique opportunity to work closely with President Homer during my mission. We shared a number of very special experiences that I will remember always. I am proud to call him a friend. President Homer always had a firm conviction of the importance of strict obedience. He expected this of his missionaries and of himself. He believed that, in order to utilize the powers of heaven to the fullest measure, we need to keep ourselves pure and clean. I will always remember his attachment to the scripture "I the Lord am bound when you do what I say, but when you do not what I say, ye have no promise" (boy, I hope I quoted that correctly). Unlike too many, he practiced what he preached. I always had the highest respect for him because of this. I send my deepest condolences to Sister Homer. She is a wonderful person and a lady in the truest sense of the word. I pray the Lord's blessings on Sister Homer and all of President and Sister Homer's children and grandchildren that they may receive comfort during their time of loss.

To President Homer, as we sang so often in the mission field, God be with you 'til we meet again.

Matthew Candland
(Calif - S.J. Mission '85-'87)
Date : December 19th, 1996
From : Steve Harper

Wanted you to know that I attended the funeral of President Karl T. Homer on December 13th in Idaho Falls. If you could post an update that he has passed away, I know that all of those that served under President and Sister Homer will want to know. He passed away on December 9th of a stroke. The funeral was in Idaho Falls and was attended by a packed house of family and friends. In particular, several missionaries that served under the Homers were in attendance and sang "Called to Serve" at the service. We will miss him.
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