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Sister Michele Stevens (Leavitt) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Michael D. Murdock (1996 - 1999) | Served: 1997 - 1998 | Areas Served: Bakersfield, Simi Valley, Fillmore | Companions: Lareesa Marie Combs | Melissa Anne Kenney | Jo Ann Smith | Caren Smith (Thompson) | Your Occupation: Homemaker | Spouse: Kevin Stevens | Comments: Boy it's been awhile since I have updated this! Lots has happened in our home since then. The little girl we thought we were going to adopt ended up being returned to her mother. We were crushed and feel they have made the wrong decision for this little girl, but unfortunately we are not in charge of that and they will have to live with their decision.
In the meantime, we were placed with a little boy who was 2 1/2 years old. In June of 2007 we were able to adopt him and we named him Tye Alan Stevens (his name was Ty when we got him, but we changed the spelling and added my husbands middle name as his and of course our last name! lol). In Sept 2007 we had him sealed to us in the Bountiful temple. What a great experience to have a little 3 year old in all white holding your hand across the alter. He was so precious, such an angel! He will be 4 next month. He has grown so much, physically, mentally and emotionally. When he came to us at 2 1/2 years old he could only say Mommy and Car. Now he can talk, count to 20, knows his colors and shapes. He can sing the ABCs. He loves to be read to. Tye truly is a boy's boy! He loves trains, cars, airplanes, and balls! He is a true joy and such a well behaved and loving child. Everyone falls in love with him as soon as they meet him. We certainly did!
I work part time (Mon and Sat.) at the credit union. It is nice to have most of my time home with Tye. Kevin is working and going to school to become a X-Ray tech.
We still live in Florida, we are hoping to sell our house and move out west after Kevin is done with his internship, which should be some time this summer (if our house will sell!).
I hope all is well with everyone. Would love to hear from you all. Keep the faith. |
Created: 17 Mar 2000 Modified: 23 Apr 2008 |
Last Login: 23 Apr 2008 02:25:37 PM |
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