Hi i was known as elder nesbitt now just david, i served the california ventura mission in 1981-83. if anyone remembers me would love to hear from you.
So I noticed recently there was a group of Missionaries who along with my son entered the MTC on 2/16/11. I believe we signed up here curious about others who are serving in the same mission...at least I am! So I hope if I start others will add their experiences.
I got my first letter(s) snail mail and e-mail arrived on the same day. My son Kendall was first put in a trio with Elders Flood (from/ Indiana going to Cuernavaca Mexico) and Elder Sawyer (from/Arizona going/Lima Peru west) After being in the MTC a few days he received a new companion. Elder Namazi he is from south weber utah and was called to an English speaking mission in Colorado, but tore his ACL and DIDNT want to get sent home...so he asked if he could be switched to a Spanish Speaking mission, and was, and that aloud him to stay in the MTC long enough to take care of the knee.
Kendall said of the MTC, nothing like he expected...and the first day was the longest day of his life! He is very happy to FINALLY be there.
I can't believe im the first person to leave a message in the last three years...Is everyone realy that busy.
Hello does anybody know how to get a hold of Nick Chamberlain it would be realy nice to talk to him
Hello all. I have created a LinkedIn group for CVM alumni and friends. Below is a link to join the group.
I have started a page on Facebook for mission alumni if anyone would like to join. Here is the link http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18995295839&ref=nf
Just checking to see if there is anyone out there who remembers starting up the mission back in 1978? Is send me an email at Cabin_in_Woods@hotmail.com I would love to here from you. long gone and living in Alaska.
I just learned about my grandson coming the this mission and want to know what some of the best care packages were so I know what to send.
Does anyone have contact information for Elders Kennedy, Snavely or Prescott- They all served with me under President Henderson. Please let me know if you have anything. Thanks!
Does anyone have contact information for Elders Kennedy, Snavely or Prescott- They all served with me under President Henderson. Please let me know if you have anything. Thanks!
Does anyone know a Dawn Megli from Camarillo?
I have just sent up a MySpace account for our mission. You can view it at http://www.myspace.com/californiaventuramission
Does anyone know how to contact Elder Thorne? I think his first name was Brandon. He served under President Henderson. I have some info on one of his converts from Santa Maria that I need to get to him. Please e-mail me.
I served under President Oswald from 1987-1989. I am trying to locate his email address. If anybody that served under him during 1987-1989 has it please email me. My email address is dburwell@utah.gov. Thanks Elder Doug Burwell
The Mission Poem and Quote is now available in a PDF format!!
I have scanned the Mission Poem and Quote Book that President Cooper had made. If you like to have it in an electronic form all you have to do is email me at twbuckmgmt@hotmail.com
I am missing one page of the Poem and Quote Book. Page 26 and 27. If anyone that has the Poem and Quote Book and is willing to copy the page and mail it to me please contact at the above email address.
Thom Wert
(Served between 1983 to 1984)
Our son Nathanael was born December 12, 2007 and three weeks ago he was admitted to the hosptial because he stopped breathing. He had a combination of RSV and a bacterial infection that either way he could have stopped breathing on us like he did. He is now on the mend but there are still obsticales to overcome. So, if everyone could keep him in their prayers we would be very grateful.
Thank you,
Alicia Atkins and family
I was baptized into the Santa Barbara 3rd ward on July 6, 1986. The Elders who baptized me were named Elders Ken Hall and Todd Fairborn. I would love to get in contact with these brethren. If anyone has any contact information I would greatly appreciate it. My contact information is in my friend profile. Thanks. Philip Odell
Last night I got engaged to the most wonderful woman I have ever met. Thought some of you might want to know. I am so blessed!
Back in the early 90s, the great San Fernando Valley became part of the Arcadia mission. In Chatsworth lived the Garrick family. Some of you spent many a P-day at our home, where you got a free haircut and played basketball in our backyard. A few of you enjoyed MTV and Nintendo, much to the chagrin of President Garrick. But mostly, you partook of my mom's famous freshly-made chocolate chip cookies. Oh what you would do for one of Sister Gs' cookies right now! Am I right?
So my question is: If they were available, say $10+s&h for a baker's dozen or $25 for 3 dozen, in a nice festive tin, would you buy? They would be authentic Sister G cookies, baked by her or her daughter (many of you may have flirted with her, much to the chagrin of President Garrick) who has mastered the art of baking those chocolatey morsels.
If there is enough interest, I could probably talk my mom into doing this. Tell your friends. tim@afrogonarock.com
Does anyone know how I can get a hold of Elder Falute? I really want to talk to him. THANKS
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