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 Tzitziri SotoAddress not available
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Comments: heY y0u guys and gals...l0l it's meE Tzitziri S0t0 0r as many 0f y0u kn0w meE as Sissy...i used t0 live in Ventura al0ng with my family but in 2001 we b0ught a h0use in Da Nard and it's [in my 0pini0n] better than ventura... l0l n0 0ffense y0u kn0w but yeah i miss all my missi0nary firends... like prince, O'reagan, wats0n [my fav0rite canadian b0y l0l],williams, dreager [i remeber y0u justin] and 0thers...y0u guys make sure y0u keep in t0uch with my familia because they are like o0o these missi0naries d0n't even call 0r whatever l0l jkjk so0o yeah if y0u still d0n't remember meE my dad [Jaime S0t0] 0wns [still] a car wash in ventura y0u kn0w A+ Hand Car Wash & Detail...yeaH y0u 'member n0w huh?? lol jkjk wellpz peace 0ut late h0mies
~s!ssY |
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