News Item: Marriage Announcement
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I wanted to announce that I will be getting married on December 29, 2006 in the Mount Timpanogos Temple. My finace is Rebecca Karlsven. We have been dating since the end of April. She has been attending BYU-I on the Summer/Fall Semeseter rotation, so we have been doing the long distance relationship. I'm so blessed to have found such a wonderful girl! We will be living in Provo the first few months of our marriage while i attend school. Then in the summer we'll move to rexburg so she can finish her Asscociates Degree in Medical Assisting. After that we'll move back to Utah where we can both attend school, and eventually start our family. Hope everything is going well for everyone else! Merry Christmas!
-Jarred Brandt
CVM 2003-2005
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