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 CanWin Mission: Many are cold but few are frozen   Tuesday, March 11th  


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lost booklets 21 Aug 2014
President Lund is at a Care Center in Morgan and is looking for three binders (light green?) that have over 450 missionary photos etc. They let a former missionary borrow to plan a reunion and did not receive back. Does anyone know anything about these books? Pres. Lund treasure Please contact me and I will help. Danny Shelton (801)466.1000
Danny Lee Shelton Send Email
fast for the temple 18 Dec 2012
I am proposing we as alumni have a fast for that the hearts of the city of Winnipeg's mayor and city council will soften their hearts and allow the temple to progress towards it's completion. this fast will happen on jan 6th 2013
Paul Brooks Send Email
Shirley Narine 13 Nov 2011
Looking for information about Shirley Narine, baptized in Winnipeg 1979, Husband Isaac baptized later. birthday January 24, two sons, taught by Sisters Shoaf & Kunz. Any information, please e-mail:
Norma Lambert Send Email
10 year 11 Jan 2011
just saying it is werid that yesterday was my 10 year annivery when I enter the mtc
Paul Brooks Send Email
moose jaw 13 Feb 2010
hey I was on moose jaws wards offical site the other day just curious does anyone know why moose jaw ward isn't doing sunday school right now there just doing sacrament and preisthood and relief society
just wondering
Paul Brooks Send Email
bernadette levy & family 25 Oct 2009
I am looking for the Levy family?? back in 1991 we taught her the gospel in the wonderful home of the Holms!!! in winnipeg. I would love to here how both families are doing or how to get in touch... thanks again for the awsome memories.
samuel corey steen Send Email
Looking for John Speth 27 Mar 2009
Just wondering if anyone out there knows the whereabouts or any contact information for Elder John Speth (1992-1994). We served together in Regina and got together briefly after we both returned home, but then lost touch. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone! -- Ted Corrington
Ted M. Corrington Send Email
Information 27 Jan 2009
Does anyone have Elder Marc Olrich (spelling) information. He is from New Zealand and sent me a card with his e-mail address on it. Sadly the return address was smuged and I am not able to make out the e-mail.
Chris Bingham Send Email
Reunion 25 Jan 2009
Prince Albert became a Branch in April 1959, which makes it 50 years this year... On Sept 4-6, 2009, the Ward is have a 50th anniversay of the church being organized in Pr. Albert... We extend an invitation to anyone who has lived here or served here to join us in our celebration. email us for the particulars at . We'd love to hear from you even if you can't come. pictures, descendent charts, your story.. all welcome additions to our history. hope to hear from you all.
Gloria MacDonald Send Email
SANDY MORLEY 20 Jun 2008
I'm trying to track down a friend who I baptized from Winnipeg, MB. She was living in Saskatoon when I baptized her in Murray, UT. Her name is SANDY MORLEY and she did go by Sandra Morley sometimes. The last time we spoke and saw each other was when she came to Utah to go through the Salt Lake Temple. Can anyone help me track her down? You can reach me at (801)520-0777 or reach me at
Melfort Saskatchewan Branch Celebrating 60 years!! 08 Jun 2008
July 26th and 27th
The Melfort Saskatchewan Branch is celebrating 60 Years!!! All are invited! Especially all you past missionaries/mission presidents we know!! Begins @ 3:00, with Supper and Special Fireside to follow. Also, Special sacrament meeting on Sunday @ 10:00. Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!
For more information
email or call
Stephanie @ 306-752-2373
Garth Turner Send Email
May 2008 Reunion 12 May 2008
There will be no mission reunion in May, because of circumstances beyond our control. We will have to reschedule for the fall. Sorry!

Sister Clove
David G. Clove Send Email
President Clove 27 Jan 2008
Does anyone know President Clove's e-mail?
Angela Montgomery Send Email
Stoddards 27 Jan 2008
Does anyone know how to get in contact with Elder and Sister Stoddard?
Mara Haslam Send Email
The McConkies 27 Dec 2007
I did initiatories in the DC temple on December 21st and when the shift rotated, the sister assisting me was Sister McConkie. I recognized her immediately but I couldn't remember right away how I knew her. She sort of reminded me of my mom and so I assumed that she had been a DC temple worker for years and that I probably recognized her from the temple. Then I started picturing her husband and it came to me that she served in the office of the Canada Winnipeg mission. So, I asked if that was the case and she said it was. She and I chatted after we finished the proxy names and she told me that since CWM they have served a temple mission in Switzerland and now they are serving a temple mission here in Washington DC! We talked about areas where I served and she asked if I ever knew Elder Willardson. I sure did! Are you out there somewhere Elder Willardson? Sister McConkie remembers and loves you. :0)

That was a fun Christmas miracle for me and I thought I would share!

Diana Midgley Luft
Diana Luft Send Email
Site Expansion 17 Dec 2007
I don't know how many people have responded but I think some presence on MySpace or something would help.
Doug Robert Rutherford Send Email
Looking for... 05 Dec 2007
i am currently living in saskatchewan and the branch that i was a member of has shut down. I am now part of the leuvan ward in regina but i cannot find the name/phone of the bishop there.
i haven't been yet because it is over an hour to get there and i would like to make contact with the bishop
if anyone can help me please email
i already have the meetinghouse info from the official church website...that is not what i am looking for.
pam hudson Send Email
Chubacks 05 Dec 2007
Does anyone know how John and Melinda Chuback are doing? They live in saskatoon. If anyone talks to them tell them hi from Stilson.
Jeremy Stilson Send Email
Future of Website 04 Dec 2007
Hi Everyone,

We have had 18,183 Visitors to the new website since we changed over in Feb 2006. We currently have 306 Alumni and over a hundred photos on our site. The main goal of this site when it started back in 1995, was to provide a way to link old friends together. Although we have these numbers we don’t see a lot of community. We think there’s a lot of this going on, but it’s not visible on the site. We would love to get a more dynamic site.

We are looking at ways to expand the site and may have to rent a new site so we can be more flexible about features we want to implement. If we do this we will need help from people for every aspect of the site. We will need people to write articles, design and layout and web programming. We will try to import the current database so people don’t have to resubmit info.

What features would you like to see implemented on the site?

Local news from the Mission?
News from the members in the area about the church there?
Currently Serving Section?
Announcements and Reunions?
Organised reunions in Winnipeg/Regina/Sask?
Email Newsletters?
More Meetups?
Regional Meetups, i.e. Europe, East Coast, California, etc?
Should we add a paypal link to have people contribute to the web hosting or not?
Should we just create a new Facebook Group instead?
What other features should we implement?

Thanks for your Support,

John Hellewell and Mark Coffey
CWM Alumni Website Administrators
John Hellewell & Mark Coffey Send Email
Dale Simmons 03 Dec 2007
I have been looking for Dale Simmons for a couple years. We kept in touch for about 8 years after I left, but now I cant get ahold of him. Does anyone know anything about him? He lived in Regina.
Jeremy Stilson Send Email
Warners 03 Dec 2007
i'm wondering how the Warners are doing? They live in Regina. Their names Are Darcy, Jennifer and they have three children.
kelly christopher roberts Send Email
Lookin for some members 02 Dec 2007
Does anyone know how the Dong's are doing? Elder Deatry and I baptized them a while ago and they are in Regina. Wondering how they are doing. Thanks
J Ryan Stebbins Send Email
Mendenhall Reunion 15 Oct 2007
For those of you who weren't able to make it, I just wanted to tell you about the reunion last Oct. 5th.

About 8-10 families came to the park in the afternoon (despite the rain). It was fun to see everyone. In the evening, there were about 50 or 60 adults. The Mendenhalls had a nice little program prepared: the senior missionaries shared some of their advice, and the Mendenhalls spoke, for about 10-15 minutes. Pres. Mendenhall especially encouraged us to enjoy the journey of life. Afterwards they passed out a bunch of wunderbars and we did a lot more visiting.

A Huge Thank You to Everyone who came! It was so nice to see familiar faces and to catch up on the last 10 years. The Mendenhalls send their love and encourage everyone to keep in contact with them.
Amy Bettwieser Send Email
Mendenhall Reunion 09 Oct 2007
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to the reunion on the 5th! It was absolutely fantastic to see everyone!

There was a light rain in the afternoon, but the kids didn't mind and neither did the adults. About 10 R.M.s and their families came to that one. In the evening there were 40 or 50 adults. The Mendenhalls and the Senior missionaries shared some thoughts with us, along with a few musical numbers, then a lot of visiting, a lot of pictures, a lot of food, and a lot of fun.

Wish everyone could have been there. Those who weren't were missed. The Mendenhalls hope that everyone will stay in touch. They love hearing from all of you. Until next time....
Amy Bettwieser Send Email
Mendenhall Reunion 08 Aug 2007
If anyone hasn't gotten their family picture to me for the Mendenhall's gift, there is still some time--I'd like to get AS MANY photos as possible and have it ready to give them in Oct. If you can't make it to the reunion in Oct, please make an "extra effort" to send me a photo. Thank you for your help in this, I know they'll appreciate it! Also, if you have any questions about the details of the reunion you can email me about that too.

Send to: by Aug. 20th.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Amy (Anderson) Bettwieser
Jun 94-Dec 95
Amy Bettwieser Send Email
Looking for Missionaries 03 Aug 2007
My Father Hugh Steinbusch was baptized and confirmed in 1962 by Elder J.M. Blaylock and Elder L.G. Sorenson. He was baptized in Winnipeg. I would appreciate any info on these two elders. Thanks!
cameron steinbusch Send Email
My Mission Friends 26 Jul 2007
Does anyone have the phone number or email address for Chad and Trish McDonald and Dave Gusa. They are all from Moose Jaw. I would like to say hello. My email is

Thanks, Justin
Justin A Runolfson Send Email
possible clove east coast mission reunion 26 Jun 2007
hey everyone I'm testing the waters right now about maybe haveing a clove reunion here on the east coast but I what to know have everyone who lives over here feels about it ohyea if you live on the west coast side you can still come don't worry but I can get the building in myrtle beach SC or we can do it in a more centralized location where ever but before I start trying to set it up I what to know if there is any interst it in if there is or you have any questions email me at or call me look on my profile you will have to be signed in to see it though c-ya Paul aka Elder Brooks
Paul Brooks Send Email
got a job 18 Apr 2007
hey everyone long time even though noone says hi well I got a job I"m working for csx railroad as a clerk well catch ya latter Paul
Paul Brooks Send Email
Mt. Airy Hot Dogs 16 Apr 2007
Hey Everyone who served under President Marion. On Tuesday, April 17 at 6:00 p.m., President and Sister Marion would like to invite all who wish to attend a fun evening at their home catered by the legendary Sister Marion herself. They'll be making the famous Mt. Airy hot dogs and hope to have a good turn out. For all those who can attend, it will be at there home in Provo (1300 Maple Lane). Hope to see you there.
Ben Sycamore Send Email
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