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Elder Shane William Irvin Lissy Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Thomas Lyon (1996 - 1999) | José García (1999 - 2002) | Served: 1998 - 2000 | Language(s) spoken:Spanish | Areas Served: Pucon, Paillaco, Ancud, Gorbea, Purranque, Valdivia (Miraflores), Coyaihque | Companions: Kasey Lawrence Call | Brett Cooper | Scott Scott Watkins | Your Occupation: Court clerk | Spouse: Yesica | Comments: Well, I'm still plugging away at school. I just graduated back in May with my BA degree in Sociology from Cal. State Long Beach and am currently waiting to apply for the Masters Program in Marriage and Family Counseling while I knock out my financial obligations. I'm currently working at the Long Beach Superior Court as the Expungement Clerk, ie processing people's paperwork when they want to "clean-up" their criminal record, and I am working nights at COSTCO, just till I get my financial obligations taken care of and can get into the Masters Program. Yesica is teaching preschool and working on her BA in Family and Consumer studies. We currently attend a Spanish Branch (Cabrillo) in San Pedro where we juggle several callings. Yesica teaches Relief Society and we team teach Temple Prep and other auxiliary classes. I am also the Branch Financial Secretary/Membership Secretary. In many ways it reminds me of the mission, except my companion is a lot prettier, I actually get to drive around in a car, and I eat Mexican food on Sundays with my in-laws, ie they're from Sinaloa, Mex. posole, mole, caldo de rez, tacos de lengua, etc. , instead of casuela, empanadas, or porotos. |
Created: 01 Jun 2006 Modified: 14 Sep 2008 |
Last Login: 21 Jan 2009 11:49:04 PM |
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