Elder Kasey Lawrence Call Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Thomas Lyon (1996 - 1999) |
Served: 1997 - 1999 |
Areas Served: Puerto Aysen, Loncoche, Puerto Varas, Pucon |
Companions: Chris Clark | matthew t Higgs | Shane William Irvin Lissy |
Your Occupation: Oral surgery resident |
Spouse: Jeanie |
Comments: After returning from the mission I continued my education at BYU studying exercise science. I married Jeanie prior to graduating and went to dental school at Temple university in Philadelphia where Jaycie was born. Shortly after finishing dental school we had Audrey, and I started my residency program in oral surgery at Temple University Hospital. I love the church and I miss chile. Jeanie and I look forward to visiting the mission soon. |
Created: 31 Aug 2007 Modified: 31 Aug 2007 |
Last Login: 24 May 2008 02:38:27 PM |