Elder KC Calhoun Smith Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Wayne L. Gardner (2000 - 2002) | Richard L. Millett (2002 - 2003) | Brad Wilcox (2003 - 2006) |
Served: 2001 - 2003 |
Language(s) spoken:Mostly English, but some Spanish |
Areas Served: J.P. Alejandre, Chiloe, El Sendero, El Remanso, Los Copihues, Torquesa |
Companions: Brian Bullock | Justin David Carlson Maddux | Jacob Madsen | William Gary Mccleary |
Your Occupation: Property Manager |
Spouse: Kelly Smith |
Comments: January 9th, my wife and I had our first baby. Her name is Ellie Kaitlyn Smith. Right now I am attending ASU, studying Business and Spanish. I was fortunate enough to return to Chile twice in 2006, both times with my Father who served in the North mission. One of those times, my wife, my sister and Elder Ryan Leavitte came along. The rededication of the temple was a great thing to be a part of and I was able to see President Hinckley walk out of the temple. His "last visit" to Chile. Hope everyone is doing well!! Vive CHile!! |
Created: 02 Feb 2007 Modified: 02 Feb 2007 |
Last Login: 13 Feb 2007 07:54:33 PM |