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Hi, Kevin Moss from the Costa Rica-San Jose Mission 1977-1979. My wife, Marlene Jimenez Coto of Heredia, and I will be returning to Costa Rica on 29MAR17 to celebrate the 100th birthday of Marlene's mom, Amalia Coto Bonilla, in Heredia. If anyone of those alumni who served with President Egar and/or Muren are in Costa Rica during the last week of March 2017 and the first two weeks of April and want to get together please get in touch with me through the website. We would love to see anyone who served during those years, especially if your service included serving in Heredia
Mario Jimenez is visiting for conference and would like to see anyone who might know him.
We will meet in Centerville 1st ward building located at 300 East 160 South in Centerville, UT
from 6-9 PM. Friday April 1 2016
Bring a pot luck treat to share and plan on having a great time.
My husband served in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and El Salvador in 1968. We are hoping to go to Central America for our mission in
one year. I have a question, please. What do the sisters wear? We are also hoping to proselyte. We both speak Spanish. I am a convert to the church. I just completed three years serving a Church mission as a pretend investigator at the MTC helping the elders and sisters in the TRC. If someone would please forward this message to the mission office that would be very helpful. Thank you, Sister Clark in Lehi, Utah.
My daughter is coming down to Samara Beach Language School for a couple of months (leaving this Friday - Mar. 25/11). She is LDS. This is her first time away from home. We want her to stay close to and participate in church activities while she is there. We are wondering if there are any members in the area that could befriend her? She has also talked of going on a mission and we hope she has the opportunity to go on splits with the sister missionaries, if they happen to be in the area. My wife will be coming with her for the first week. Please email me if you can help us make some connections at: neandertolman@gmail.com.
Check out the "I'm a Mormon" billboards and TV commercial featuring my wife Rose and the family, shown in various cities throughout the US.
I just wanted to let u all know that a young bishop died Jan 30, 2010 saving his sons from drowning in the Pacific Ocean near Golfito. He was visiting the beach when a big wave hit the three of them & Jose was able to save both boys, holding the youngest out of the water to be pulled in by others, before becoming lost for good. His body was recovered a mile away from the incident.
Jose Maroto Arias, originally of Desamparados, CR where he grew up & served on the high council & then as a bishop. He also served as a bishop in Asserri. I am not sure of his latest callings, seeing as I have not been all that close to his older sister, Ilse, my ex-wife. My oldest daughter, Cassandra, flew down there 2/2/10. If anyone needs more info, please contact me. Thanks, alot.
Un saludo a todos los que han servido en la mision de Costa Rica en 36 añOs de ser miembro he conocido a muchos de ustedes
quiero invitarles para participar en un grupo en FACEBOOK "CUANTOS MORMONES HAN ESTADO EN ESCAZU" la idea es fomentar la amistad y recordar con un poco de historia
Yo serví en Costarica durante los años 1991-1993 y quiero visitar a Costarica este Diciembre con mi família y quedarnos por un mes. Nos gustaría alquilar una casa cerca a la playa en un lugar que no sea tan turistico y o costoso, y tal vez que sea una casa de un miembro de la iglesia. ¿Si conoce un lugar así, podria contactarme?
Ray Jensen
email: rayjensen@comcast.net
tele: 801-608-0486 (USA)
Hola a todos,quisiera saber si alguien sabe el e-mail de Elder Carver ,el sirvio aqui entre 1993 y 1995 ,yo se que el se caso y tiene como 5 hijos,pero no eh vuelto a saber de el ,tambien si saben algo de Elder Miles tambien sirvio en esa epoca,me gustaria mucho tener noticias de ellos ya que bautizaron a mi mama y ella les aprecia bastante.Gracias Hermanos por la ayuda que me puedan dar.
For Jenny Hamilton, the investigator who is moving to Costa Rica can get in touch with Bishop Patey (506 289-7931), who is the bishop of the Escazu Ward in San Jose. (Check http://maps.lds.org/ for a little more information.) He is from the U.S. and is bi-lingual. I don't know of any English-speaking units; there weren't any when we left Costa Rica six years ago.
Jenny Hamilton (mail4hamilton@gmail.com) says:
I am a member living in Oregon, and am working with a serious investigator here. She and her husband may be moving to Costa Rica for a year in a couple of months. She is trying to find a connection to the church in San Jose, Costa Rica and locate an English-speaking ward (hopefully). Can anyone help her get connected down there? She is an amazing sister who has
felt herself led to the church, and I don't want to see her get lost to the church during the move. (And we're hoping she gets baptized before she
heads down...) :)
Thanks, Jenny Hamilton
Si alguien puede ayudar a esta hermana, que le responde a su email.
Hello everybody. My name is Sean Rammell
I am a third year pharmacy student at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, U.S. I served a mission a few years ago in Bahia, Brazil. I am looking for an opportunity to improve my health related Spanish skills through a 6 week volunteer pharmacy rotation at a community pharmacy in Costa Rica in 2010. There is a rapidly growing Spanish speaking patient population here and very few pharmacy employees that can serve them. I have been trying to find a way to contact members of the church in CR to see if they can help me make arrangements. If anyone knows of any pharmacists or others in the area who can help me with this process it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Sean Rammell
499 Vista Dr.
Pocatello, Idaho
United States 83201
Buenas si alguien viene a Costa Rica les ofrecemos un bello lugar a visitar en un reserva ecologica bien verde nuestro correo es mora_7775@hotmail.com
Necesito surgerencias de como llegar a la rama/barrio de Santa Cruz de las playas Conchal y Flamingo. Cuáno tiempo dura. Gracias.
Hola amigos y companeros. Hice la mision en CR hace unos anos y voy a regresar este verano. Estoy pensando en visitar el parque nacional Manuel Antonio y tambien Monteverde. Me gustaria saber que tan cerca quedan las unidades de la iglesia para asistir. Si tienen el email de la oficina tambien seria de mucha ayuda. Gracias.
Dave Riley
Mi hija va a estudiar el espanol tres semanas en San Jose junta con otros estudiantes. Quisiera saber si hay algun miembro en San Jose que quisiera dar les un tour de su bello pais? Ellos tienen unos dias libres antes de empezar el programa. Ellos vienen el 2 de Julio de Utah. Gracias!
Hola Hno Dave Riley, mi esposo y yo; si nos gustaria poder compartir con su hija y poder mostrarle un poco de nuestro país, pero primero nos gustaria saber de la cantidad de jovenes que vienen con ella, ya que tendriamos que pensar en el medio de transporte y demas. por favor escribame al siguiente correo electronico jjosefinapi@hotmail.com y nos hablamos al respecto
Familia Abellán Picado
Hola amigos, soy un elder bien viejo. Servi en Costa Rica en 1975. Mi hija va a estudiar el espanol tres semanas en San Jose junta con otros estudiantes. Quisiera saber si hay algun miembro en San Jose que quisiera dar les un tour de su bello pais? Ellos tienen unos dias libres antes de empezar el programa. Ellos vienen el 2 de Julio de Utah. Gracias!
hola saludes a todos los elderes que sirvieron con migo en la mejor mision del mundo escribo para pedir un favor a los elderes de topacios o de hatillos si ellos tienen alguna informacion sobre la hna anais y familia si me pueden ayudar con el numero de telefono o direccion tambien a los elderes de cañas necesito informacion sobre maria elena y tambien del presidente rey y familia les agradeceria mucho
Porfis!!!! necesito saber en donde se Encuentran los hermanos Mauricio y Grethel Guzman, necesito contactarlos. Animo para todos aquellos que tuvieron algun percanse con el terremoto, les quiero e incluyo en mis oraciones!!!!
Hola, es un grato placer haber estado con udtedes dos años. Es un buen tiempo para saludarles y desearles exitos en sus vidas. No regrese a Costa Rica aunque mantuve contacto con algunos bautismos por algun tiempo. Las experiencias al lado de ustedes son inolvidables. Pueden escribirme, soy actualmente obispo del barrio Cerro Grande. Tengo una hija de 6 años y otro en camino, siempre haciendo la lucha al lado de mi buena esposa Patricia Paz. Gracias al presidente Hass del templo de Costa Rica por haber bautizado a la abuela de mi esposa Laura Chavez hace 55 años cuando fue misionero. Saludos a mi presidente de mision Jose Gonzales y por igual a mis conversos. Que el Padre Celestial les bendiga en todo lo que hagan.
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."