DR Santo Domingo West Mission

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Elder Bradly L. Huff

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Carlos E Madrid (1993 - 1996)
Served: 1993 - 1995
Language(s) spoken:Spanish
Areas Served:
Nizoa,Herrerra,Office,Cambita,Bani,Las Palmas,Office
Brigham Beeson | Danny Brownell | Stephen E King | Jon K. Pe'A | Gerrit W. Timmerman | Curtis Wright
Your Occupation: Plumber
Spouse: Becci Rowley
Well its been a long time since I have updated. I now live in Santaquin and am currently serving in the church as 2nd coun. in the bishopric. I am still marrried to Becci and we have three great kids, with one more on the way. Harlee Ann is 10, Mason is seven, and little Adriann is four They keep us busy. I work at the Utah State Prison in the plumbing dept. I would love to hear from those I served with so drop me a line some time.
Created: 08 Jul 2001  Modified: 11 Jul 2010
Last Login: 11 Jul 2010 02:26:47 PM

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