DR Santo Domingo West Mission

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Sister Kimberly Nay (Ball)

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Ronald Jamison (1990 - 1993) | Carlos E Madrid (1993 - 1996)
Served: 1992 - 1993
Areas Served:
Las Matas de Farfan
Padre Las Casas
La Fe/La Independencia
maria altagracia Alvarez | Jennifer R Sorensen | Rhonda Sherie Welch (Haymore)
Spouse: Kenny
Hello, I thought it's about time I register on this site. It has been fun to look up those I served with.
My husband and I had the privilege of going back to the D.R. for the Temple dedication. It was an adventure!
I visited with the Jamison's before they left on their mission.
We have 3 children. Kaycee 6, Kolten 4, and Kelly 10 weeks old. They keep us real busy. I'd love to hear from anyone from the Jamison-Madrid era. I would especially like to hear from any of my comps. (Slye, Suero, Haymore, Johnston, Espinoza, Pena, Sorensen, and Alvarez)
Created: 25 Oct 2002  Modified: 25 Oct 2002
Last Login: 02 Dec 2002 07:54:16 AM

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