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| Elder John W. Bell Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Roberto Vidal (1985 - 1987) | Fred W. Nelson (1987 - 1990) | Sirvió: 1986 - 1988 | Áreas: Santo Domingo, Quito Sur (Atahualpa), Esmeraldas (Aire Libre), Riobamba, Atuntaqui, Quito Norte | Compañeros: David Hudson | Ramon Alejandro Mateo Reyes | francisco Nuñez | Francisco Nuñez | Kelly Payne | Benji Smith | Trabajo: Voice Communication Tech | Esposo(a): Jennifer Wadsworth | Comentarios: Married Jennifer in July of 1989 and tried for the next eleven years unsuccessfully to have kids. Then, God blessed us with the two beautiful children you see in the picture. Have been blessed to live in a rural setting. Still active in the church with a strong testimony. Love scouting (I'm a scoutmaster) and all the fun we have with the boys. Hope to hear from anybody who would like to contact me!
(Companions: Ramos, Cabrera, Nuñez, Bajana, Hudson, Hall, Sanders, Mateo, Smith, Moran, Payne.) |
Creado: 20 Mar 2001 Modificado: 20 Mar 2001 |
Última entrada: 20 Mar 2001 09:52:15 AM |
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