Welsh Young Women Gather Aid
for War Victims
Recently an article appeared in the local
newspapers Cwmbran concerning a small number of community members who take lorry loads of
aid directly to a small village in East Mostar, Bosnia. After reading the article which
made a plea for clothing, footwear, and toiletries, Sue Peters, ward Young Women president
in the Cardiff Ward, felt impressed to suggest to her young women a service project of
collecting, boxing, and bagging some of the above-mentioned items.
With the help of young women of the Cardiff and
Newport wards, over 150 sacks of clothing, blankets, and footwear, and hundreds of kilos
of pasta, rice, flour, and salt, plus many boxes of tinned food and toiletries were
Convoys depart every two months, and so far the
young women have contributed to four of them. The last went directly to a village in
Kosovo. "We feel we can all help in some way our less fortunate brothers and sisters
who have been displaced because of war," said Sue Peters. - Sue Peters,
Cardiff Ward, Cardiff Stake
Local Bishop Speaks Out on the
Ten Commandments
In late July 1999, an article appeared in the
Cornish Guardian newspaper reporting that the American House of Representatives
had voted to permit the posting of the Ten Commandmants in schools and other state
facilities. Bishop David Dent of the St Austell Ward, Plymouth Stake, then took the
opportunity to have his views printed in the same newspaper.
"It is wonderful to note that governmental
leaders have realised that the Ten Commandments are vital to the morality of our
people," said Bishop Dent. "They are a guide for life that if everyone were to
follow them, would mean a far better world for all of us." The bishop suggested that
it would be an excellent idea if the British government were to take up the same idea.
"We live in modern times, and many of our children do not even know what is contained
in the decalogue. It is a great source of direction in everyone's life. Things such as 'do
not steal', 'do not envy,' and 'do not lie' are very basic, but vital character traits
that, regretfully, are lacking in far too many people these days," stated Bishop
Dent. - Clive Payne, St Austell Ward, Plymouth Stake