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http://genealogyPro.com/cbenedict.html |
Presidents: Warren B. Davis (1981 - 1984) | Dixie L. Leavitt (1984 - 1987) |
Served: 1983 - 1984 |
Language(s) spoken:english |
Areas Served: Worksop, Gateshead, Darlington, NewCastle Upon Tyne, Huddersfield |
Companions: Shelly Russ (Mendelssohn) | Pamela Smith (Groesbeck) | Becky Stitt (Bell) |
Your Occupation: professional genealogist |
Spouse: cameron benedict |
Comments: I came home from my mission, back to Idaho. Then moved to Illinois, met and married Cameron Benedict.
We have a Daughter Emily and a son Chris. Lived in the Chicago Suburbs for 16 years and now we live in Nauvoo. It is wonderful living here. I am still not a good letter writer. I am afraid I lost touch with everyone.
Some of my other companions were... Ann Evans from Wales,
Lorraine Brown from Scotland, Rebbeca Christiiansen from California, Shelly Mendelssohn from California, Carol Tudor (stake Missionary from NewCastle upon Tyne), Virgina Ann Moore ( my greenie from Wisconsin)
More update to come. |
Created: 11 Sep 2005 Modified: 18 May 2008 |
Last Login: 30 Jul 2008 08:45:12 AM |