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   Webmaster: Joseph Caufield

Barry Batchelor

1620 Saddle Brook Drive
Rocky Face, Georgia 30740

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I lived in Carrollton, Ga. from 1970 to 1988. I was gone from 1982 to 1984 when I was on my Mission. From 1979 till 1982, I went out with many of the Elders.
Upon my return from my mission, I became the Branch mission Leader. I married a Sister Forsgren from the Georgia Atlanta Mission in 1985 (see her profile). We were very active with the missionaries in Carrollton till we moved to Dalton, GA where I became a police officer. I still work for the City of Dalton Police Department. My wife and I were married in the Los Angelas Temple in 1985 and now have five Kids.
I have served in many callings including Bishop. My wife (Sister Forsgren) is currently serving as Stake Relief Society President for the Chattanooga Stake.
We love to hear from any who remember us, we have many fond memories of the missioaries who served in Carrollton.

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"Brothers and sisters, the missionaries need our faith and prayers. Pray fervently every day for their safety and protection, for this is one very important way we all can support them in accomplishing their essential assignment of proclaiming the gospel to all the world. I bear testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We are engaged in his work. I testify that through the faith and prayers of all members of the Church, we will continue moving this great work forward to the final victory. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
- Elder M. Russell Ballard, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Ensign, Nov. 1989
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