Elder Brian Eric Sims4203 Orchard Hill Drive Cedar Falls, IA 50613
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Presidents: Bruce Lake (1984 - 1987) | Warren L. Burton (1987 - 1990) |
Served: 1986 - 1988 |
Areas Served: Ludwigsburg
Nuernberg |
Companions: Jack Bowers | Matthew John Elggren | Steve Every | Perry Holton | Lynn Lawton | Hellmut Lotz |
Your Occupation: Pediatrician |
Spouse: Susan Manning |
Comments: Susan (Sister Manning 1986-88) and I now have five children ages 13 to 3. We have four sons and one daughter. We have settled in northeast Iowa in a town called Cedar Falls. I have a bustling practice in Pediatrics in neighboring Waterloo. As a family, we enjoy bike riding and traveling. Nauvoo is our temple, and we go down (3 hours southeast) about 4 times per year. If any former missionary buddies are going to Nauvoo--give us a call.
I am currently the ward mission leader and Susan teaches sunday school for the youth. She is also the area public affairs coordinator. This summer our young men and women raised $3000 for the local food bank by organizing and running a giant garage sale.
We would love to see a mission reunion organized next year to celebrate the 15th year since the Burton's returned home. |
Created: 20 Jun 2000 Modified: 11 Nov 2004 |
Last Login: 11 Nov 2004 08:32:25 PM |