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Sister Kristine Carbine (Rowley) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert K. Dellenbach (1982 - 1984) | Bruce Lake (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1983 - 1984 | Areas Served: Nurnberg, Freiburg, Ludwigsburg, Augsburg | Companions: Elisabeth Bicherl | Kathy Lynn Hyte (Winkelman) | Pauline Purser (Winter) | Your Occupation: Homemaker | Spouse: Adrian | Comments: It has been a long time since we were missionaries, gel?? I would enjoy hearing from missionaries during my mission.
I have been happily married to a wonderful, devoted man for almost 19 years. We graduated from BYU, then moved to Portland, Or. where he has been with Intel as a design principal engineer, for almost 19 years.
We have been blessed with seven beautiful children. All of them have been miracles, and taken much effort to bring into our family. Our first two we adopted, Melanie 1990, Danielle 1992. After 8 years, we had our first homemade babies, Rachel in 1994, and Ryan followed in 1998. We made 3 trips to Russia in 2004 and in Aug and Oct 2004, we brought home 3 Russian orphans. Tania, 12, Elena, 8, Alex 10. The girls will be baptized soon and then we'll be sealed in the PDX Temple this spring. Who would have guessed when we were missionaries that the wall would come down and Russia would open to the gospel - and we'd have three Russian children?? Wahnsinn. =)
Life is a grand, challenging, spiritual adventure. I love the Lord more than ever and he constantly helps me - I need all the help I can get! I am grateful for being blessed with a mission in beautiful Germany and to have associated with such wonderful companions and missionaries. I have many wonderful, heartwarming and funny memories from my mission.
Adrian is a High Councilman and I was recently released as Stake YW counselor. My calling now is to focus 100% on integrating these beautiful children into our family and introduce them to the gospel. It is quite the challenge. I'm blessed to not work, all I've ever wanted to be was a mother in Zion. I feel so blessed.
May Heavenly Father grant you all His grandest blessings and happiness to you. |
Created: 18 Feb 2005 Modified: 18 Feb 2005 |
Last Login: 05 May 2007 11:25:24 PM |
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