Elder Douglas Hudson Tedford Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: John F. O'Donnal (1976 - 1979) |
Served: 1976 - 1978 |
Areas Served: Chalchuapa (El Salvador)
Totonicapan |
Companions: Richard Allan Alsup | Steve Nelson | Glenn DENNIS Williamson |
Your Occupation: Parent Development Director |
Spouse: Rebeca Chavez |
Comments: Many years have passed and I have lost touch with just about all the missionaries I knew. I have been active and serving at church ever since. Never had the good fortune to know about any missionary reunions, though. Would like to know if missionaries from our days are coming together. Since the mission have worked as a school teacher, teacher trainer, product manager in Mexico/ Central America and now a parent development director for an agency serving migrant farmworkers in four states. Wife, Becky, served a mission in Mexico and we have three girls. We live in Texas on the border. How about you? |
Created: 14 Apr 2002 Modified: 14 Apr 2002 |
Last Login: 16 Nov 2003 07:01:22 PM |