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Elder Kenneth Earl Goates Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Mark Benson (1971 - 1974) | Served: 1972 - 1973 | Areas Served: Jasper, Bedford, Indianapolis, Peru, Warsaw, Crawfordsville | Companions: Robert Calvin Brinkerhoff | Charles Kevin Olson | Randall G. Rich | Van N. Wilde | Your Occupation: Attorney | Spouse: Deborah | Comments: Afer living in southern California for 25 years, we moved closser to Zion(?) 3 years ago. I have had several church callings and am the Gospel Doctrine and High Priest group teacher. We have 5 children. One is an attorney, one is an accountant (surfer), one at Utah, one at BYU and one at home. I have clients in Indiana and have been back several times to some of the areas to see if any of the people that we taught are still active. Some of them are and it is graitfyiing. |
Created: 16 Sep 2005 Modified: 16 Sep 2005 |
Last Login: 22 Feb 2006 02:52:24 PM |
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