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Elder Robert Calvin Brinkerhoff Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Mark Benson (1971 - 1974) | Served: 1972 - 1974 | Areas Served: Columbus, Muncie, Bloomingtion, Henderson KY, Goshen, MT Clements, Hastings, Coldwater, Battle Creek | Companions: Kenneth Earl Goates | Your Occupation: Electrician | Spouse: Kim | Comments: Still excited about sharing the gospel. My wife and I have four children and will soon have four grandchildren. We look forward to the reunions each year. However we have missed the last two. I have pictures of the Mission Reunion that was held in Indianapolis. Would love to share them. Favorite calling is that of a teacher. Has been involved in the sports program for 12 years.
Sure Love Ya Robert C. Brinkerhoff |
Created: 19 Oct 2002 Modified: 19 Oct 2002 |
Last Login: 19 Oct 2002 06:03:45 PM |
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